Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Biography of José Hernández, Former NASA Astronaut
Josà © Hernà ¡ndez (born August 7, 1962) overcame enormous barriers to become one of the few Latinos to serve as an astronaut for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Raised in a family of field workers, he nevertheless found support for his dreams and achieved his goal of space flight. Hernà ¡ndez occasionally found himself in the midst of controversy because of his outspoken positions regarding Latin culture and immigration to the United States. Fast Facts: Josà © M. Hernà ¡ndez Known For: Former NASA astronautBorn: August 7, 1962, in French Camp, CaliforniaParents: Julia Hernà ¡ndez, Salvador Hernà ¡ndezEducation: University of the Pacific, University of California, Santa BarbaraAwards and Honors: Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award (1995), Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists Medalla de Oro (1999), U.S. Department of Energy Outstanding Performance Commendation (2000), NASA Service Awards (2002, 2003), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Outstanding Engineer Award (2001)Spouse: Adelita HernandezChildren: Antonio, Vanessa, Karina, JulioPublished Works: Reaching for the Stars: The Inspiring Story of a Migrant Farmworker Turned AstronautNotable Quote: Now its my turn! Early Life Josà © Hernà ¡ndez was born on August 7, 1962, in French Camp, California. His parents Salvador and Julia were Mexican immigrant migrant workers. Each March, Hernà ¡ndez, the youngest of four children, journeyed with his family from Michoacà ¡n, Mexico, to Southern California. Picking crops as they traveled, the family would then proceed north to Stockton, California. When Christmas approached, the family would head back to Mexico before returning to the U.S. in the spring. He remarked in an interview for the NASA website, â€Å"Some kids might think it would be fun to travel like that, but we had to work. It wasn’t a vacation.†​ At the urging of a second-grade teacher, Hernà ¡ndez’s parents eventually settled in the Stockton area of California to provide their children with more structure. Despite being born in California, the Mexican-American Hernà ¡ndez did not learn English until he was 12 years old. Aspiring Engineer In school, Hernà ¡ndez enjoyed math and science. He decided he wanted to be an astronaut after watching the Apollo spacewalks on television. Hernà ¡ndez was also drawn to the profession in 1980, when he found out that NASA had picked Costa Rican native Franklin Chang-Diaz, one of the first Hispanics to journey into space, as an astronaut. Hernà ¡ndez said in a NASA interview that he, then a high school senior, still remembers the moment he heard the news. â€Å"I was hoeing a row of sugar beets in a field near Stockton, California, and I heard on my transistor radio that Franklin Chang-Diaz had been selected for the Astronaut Corps. I was already interested in science and engineering, but that was the moment I said, ‘I want to fly in space.’†After he finished high school, Hernà ¡ndez studied electrical engineering at the University of the Pacific in Stockton. From there, he pursued graduate studies in engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Although his parents were migrant workers, Hernà ¡ndez said they prioritized his education by making sure he completed his homework and studied consistently. â€Å"What I always say to Mexican parents, Latino parents is that we shouldn’t spend so much time going out with friends drinking beer and watching telenovelas, and should spend more time with our families and kids...challenging our kids to pursue dreams that may seem unreachable,†Hernà ¡ndez said in a controversial interview with the Los Angles Times. Breaking Ground, Joining NASA Once he completed his studies, Hernà ¡ndez landed a job with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 1987. There, he engaged in work with a commercial partner that resulted in the creation of the first full-field digital mammography imaging system, used to spot breast cancer in its first stages. Hernà ¡ndez followed his groundbreaking work at Lawrence Laboratory by closing in on his dream of becoming an astronaut. In 2001, he signed on as a NASA materials research engineer at Houston’s Johnson Space Center, helping with Space Shuttle and International Space Station missions. He went on to serve as the Materials and Processes Branch chief in 2002, a role he filled until NASA selected him for its space program in 2004. After applying for 12 straight years to enter the program, Hernà ¡ndez was at long last headed to space. After undergoing physiological, flight, and water and wilderness survival training as well as training on Shuttle and International Space Station systems, Hernà ¡ndez completed Astronaut Candidate Training in February 2006. Three-and-a-half years later, Hernà ¡ndez journeyed on the STS-128 shuttle mission, during which he oversaw the transfer of more than 18,000 pounds of equipment between the shuttle and the International Space Station and helped with robotics operations, according to NASA. The STS-128 mission traveled more than 5.7 million miles in just under two weeks. Immigration Controversy After Hernà ¡ndez returned from space, he found himself at the center of controversy. That’s because he commented on Mexican television that from space he enjoyed seeing the Earth without borders and called for comprehensive immigration reform, arguing that undocumented workers play an important role in the U.S. economy. His remarks reportedly displeased his NASA superiors, who were quick to point out that Hernà ¡ndez’s views did not represent the organization as a whole. â€Å"I work for the U.S. government, but as an individual, I have a right to my personal opinions,†Hernà ¡ndez said in a follow-up interview with the Los Angeles Times. â€Å"Having 12 million undocumented people here means there’s something wrong with the system, and the system needs to be fixed.†Beyond NASA After a 10-year run at NASA, Hernà ¡ndez left the government agency in January 2011 to serve as executive director for Strategic Operations at aerospace company MEI Technologies Inc. in Houston. â€Å"Josà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s talent and dedication have contributed greatly to the agency, and he is an inspiration to many,†said Peggy Whitson, chief of the Astronaut Office at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. â€Å"We wish him all the best with this new phase of his career.†Sources Connelly, Richard. â€Å"Jose Hernandez, Astronaut Who Sparked Immigration Controversy, Retires from NASA.† Houston Press, 18 Jan. 2019.Dunbar, Brian. â€Å"Meet NASAs Future Explorer - Jose Hernandez.† NASA.NASA. â€Å"Astronaut Jose Hernandez Leaves NASA.† PR Newswire, 30 June 2018.Wall, Mike. â€Å"Migrant Farmer-Turned-Astronaut Jose Hernandez Leaves NASA.† Space.com, 17 Jan. 2011.Wilkinson, Tracy. â€Å"Mexican American Astronaut Isnt Changing Course on Immigration Stand.† Los Angeles Times, 17 Sept. 2009.
Friday, May 15, 2020
How The Kumon Math And Reading Centre Franchise Into Is...
EE First Draft Research Question: How bringing Kumon Math and Reading Centre franchise into is beneficial? Intro For this investigation I am going to research on bringing Kumon Math and Reading Center into Vietnam. Kumon Math, as its name, Kumon provides a program in which students will have the chance to improve their mathematical skills, from the basic one to the advanced level. It is available for students from all ages to join. Vietnam is a great potential market to invest in. Since Vietnam has the policies of searching for oversea investment, it has been an attractive market for many foreign companies. The economy and industry there are in the developing process, which means that they are lack of investments from outside. Moreover, the educational system has been focusing a lot on natural science subjects such as math and other ones which also require certain math skills (physics, chemistry, biology). This is the point that I want to exploit from, open up an education center in a country which is always looking for outside investments and focusing highly on the education for young generation should be reasonable and fit in. Kumon Math Reading Centers: Kumon, the math Center established by a Japanese math teacher whose name is Toru Kumon (the Center is named after him). This is an education center where students will have a chance to improve their mathematical skills. It doesn’t have official teaching programs as private or public schools do, here students areShow MoreRelatedBringing Kumon Math And Reading Center Into Vietnam1795 Words  | 8 PagesFor this investigation I am going to research on bringing Kumon Math and Reading Center into Vietnam. Kumon Math, as its name, Kumon provides a program in which students will have the chance to improve their mathematical skills, from the basic one to the advanced level. It is available for students from all ages to join. Vietnam is a great potential market to invest in. Since Vietnam has the policies of searching for oversea investment, it has been an attractive market for many foreign companiesRead MoreBringing Kumon Math Center Into Vietnam1211 Words  | 5 PagesEE Outline Intro For this investigation I am going to research on bringing Kumon Math Center into Vietnam. Kumon Math, as its name, Kumon provides a program in which students will have the chance to improve their mathematical skills, from the basic one to the advanced level. It is available for students from all ages to join. Vietnam is a great potential market to invest in. Since Vietnam has the policies of searching for oversea investment, it has been an attractive market for many foreign companies
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Psychiatric Disorders in The Kite Runner - 1408 Words
The conditions in Afghanistan created upon the Russian invasion caused much pain and suffering to the citizens of the country. In Khaled Hosseini’s â€Å"The Kite Runner,†the consequences of this invasion created a harsh environment for the children and adults of Afghanistan. This environment created the development of mental disorders in Amir, Assef, and Sohrab throughout the novel. By examining the mental disorders such as Narcissistic disorder in Assef, the antisocial disorder in Amir and the adjustment disorder in Sohrab, it will be shown how the events in Afghanistan contribute to these characters mental problems. A diagnosis is the act of discovering or identifying the exact cause of an illness or a problem. A psychological problem is a mental behavior pattern that causes distress and disability. Symptoms are a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy. Sohrab develops depressive and adjustment disorders through harrowing experiences he face s in Afghanistan. This depressive nature becomes evident when Sohrab attempts suicide in a hotel bathroom as explained here by Amir in the novel, â€Å"The water drops dripping from the faucet and landing with a plink into the bloody bathwater, the left arm dangling over the side of the tub, the blood soaked razor sitting on the toilet tank†¦and his eyes, still half open but lightless.†(366) Here, Sohrab is exhibiting his depressive nature by an attempt to commit suicide. At this instance, Sohrab has enduredShow MoreRelatedAfghanistan After The Soviet Afghan War2245 Words  | 9 Pagescalled the Taliban. During this time period of war and destruction, children were lost in a whole new world and stolen of their purity. In Khaled Hosseini’s novel, The Kite Runner, he tells a powerful and cruel story through the eyes of Amir’s life (the main character) starting from when children’s lives consisted of flying kites and exploring the city’s stre ets freely, to an era where children were in run down orphanages or begging for money on the streets to help support their families. The SovietRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini Essay2052 Words  | 9 Pagesconditions. Having a mental disorder can affect your mood, such as the disorder called depression. Depression is a mental disorder that can affect the way you handle daily activities including basic activities such as going outside. The way you think can also be affected, by a mental condition. Schizophrenia is a long-term condition where your own mind tricks you into perceiving objects or other things that are not there. Behavior can also be affected by any mental disorder. According to dictionary
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Genesis to Revelation Computer
Question: Describe about the genesis to revelation of computer? Answer: Introduction The term genesis' means the beginning, or the birth, or the origin of anything. The very first stage of a process of development is known as its genesis. For example, in humans, the birth of a child is the genesis of its life-cycle process. And the meaning of the word revelation' is clear from the word itself that is to reveal something which was hidden or to discloses something which was not known earlier. Now that the meaning of both the terms is clear, in this article we will discuss the genesis to the revelation of the computer ( technology) invented by a human being named "Charles Babbage" in the year 1932 ("The Graphic: Birth of the computer," 2014). A computer is an electronic machine or device meant for receiving information (input), perform its actions for making changes in the information (process or calculations), and to provide new information (output) which will be the ultimate result. It is programmed to automatically accomplish the arithmetical (consists of numbers) an d logical operations. Genesis- The main purpose of designing and inventing a the computer was to calculate and to perform the counting operations. With this point of view, the idea of automatic computation was developed. The Abacus- It is known as the first device that was used to perform the calculation function mechanically. It was used when the written numeral system of modern times was not known to people (Wells, 2000). The structure of Abacus is a frame of wood where rods were fitted across the frame with round beads in it. Napier Bones- The next stage of development was Napier bones. It is a calculating device operated manually for performing the functions of multiplication of numbers. Pascal's calculator- A French scientist named "Blaise Pascal" then invented a the machine which was termed as the first known digital calculator. Leibniz calculator- After the invention of Pascal's calculator, Leibniz calculator was designed and invented by a German mathematician. It was the modification of the Pascal's calculator which was used to perform the various calculation of multiplication and division by repeatedly adding and shifting. Analytical Engine- This was the most important invention in the history of the computer. It was the first machine that can keep our data safely and was referred to as the first mechanical computer with features of computer languages which we are still using. Because of this invention, Charles Babbage was named as the Father of the Computer ("Babbage's Analytical Engine", 1844). The evolution of computer from time to time increases its flexibility for me to work even better. The invention of the computer is the blessing to every mankind in the history. The key characteristics of the computer based on my usage and experience are as follows ("Characteristics of computer", 2013): Computing Operations- It played an important role for me in computing and performing an arithmetical and logical set of operations. Computers seem to have restored the balance in mathematics by solving almost all the problems within minutes or even say seconds. Storage Capacity- The problem of storage is now resolved with the advent of the computer. It is one of its basic and distinctive features; now it comes with huge and better storage capacity. Self-regulatory capabilities- The self-regulatory capabilities of the computer is based on its key component of observation and measurements. It controls and regulates all of its functions itself by repeated sequence of predictions which helps to the great extent in the achievement of the actual result. Automatic Operations- One of the key advantages of having a computer is that it does not need human intervention in performing of its functions. It works independently once the correct input is provided which minimizes the risk of errors and repetitions. (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2015) Manipulating and Editing- It also aids in formatting and editing of the documents according to the needs and the specification of an individual which in turn reduces lots of time and effort to a person. Easy connection with other devices- Computer also connects to other important devices within seconds which will help in completing various multi-tasking projects. For example, it could easily be connected to a printer, to a phone via Bluetooth, etc. Processing and Sharing of Information- The most important characteristic feature of a computer is that of its processing and sharing of information which forms the base of all the other components of its working operations ("Workplace Collaboration: The Importance of Information Sharing - Attensa", 2015). Computers are being used in so many fields in the modern era. Now-a-days, no task can be fulfilled without the use of the computer in its field. From government organizations to private limited firms, engineers, doctors, teachers, students, everybody makes use of the important invention made in the history. It has taken every aspect of the society to the whole new level because of its greater precision and accuracy. These days, it is been widely used by the students, youngsters and kids because of the ease of operation and less time-consuming functions (DeGarmo, 2016). Conclusion With the help of the information provided above, it is clearly evident that the computer was invented with the focus of inventing the machine which helps in the arithmetical and logical operations. And from time to time, its uses and features became more advanced and highly operative. From being functioning as a calculator, it became a memory storage device. After then it worked as a scientific calculator and then helped in programming languages, served the purpose of coding and decoding. With its enhanced development, various operating systems, word document, etc. came into existence. With the use of Integrated Circuits and Micro-processors, it became a lot more efficient and also portable. These days computer has become the necessity for each and every person as it helps in performing various day-to-day functions like saving documents, processing of information, storage of information, manipulating and editing. For many people, it is the principle source of entertainment for many people. With the increasing use of the internet, the computer became one of the most powerful devices which provides hundreds of different uses to different persons. In the coming future, lot more revelation of this technology will be seen worldwide (Rajkoomar, 2009). References Babbage's Analytical Engine. (1844). Astr. Nachr.; AN, 21(11), 161-163. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/asna.18440211102 Characteristics of computer. (2013). Byte-Notes | Computer Science learning platform. Retrieved 12 March 2016, from https://www.byte-notes.com/characteristics-computer DeGarmo, K. (2016). Retrieved 12 March 2016, from Rajkoomar, M. (2009). Essay On The Role Of Computers in Everyday Life.. PublishYourArticles.net - Publish Your Articles Now. Retrieved 12 March 2016, from https://www.publishyourarticles.net/knowledge-hub/essay/an-essay-on-the-role-of-computers-in-everyday-life/1194/ The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica,. (2015). personal computer (PC). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 12 March 2016, from https://www.britannica.com/technology/personal-computer The Graphic: Birth of the computer. (2014). Engineering Technology, 9(11), 18-18. https://dx.doi.org/10.1049/et.2014.1119 Wells, M. (2000). Founding Abacus: Frustration to Fulfilment. Abacus, 36(3), 255-266. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-6281.00064 Workplace Collaboration: The Importance of Information Sharing - Attensa. (2015). Attensa. Retrieved 12 March 2016, from https://attensa.com/information-and-collaboration/
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