Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Factors That Lead Youth To Join Gangs Essay Example for Free
Factors That Lead Youth To Join Gangs Essay Youth violence in American society has escalated in an alarming rate. Violence in schools, spree killings, and risk taking behavior seem to have become more commonplace than a decade ago. Most social scientists have pointed out that youth violence is directly related to later criminal behavior, such that a child who has been exposed to violence early in life would seek violence or become involved in criminal activities. One of the most alarming social groups that perpetuate violence is street gangs, and the youth are generally drawn into these gangs. Gangs had existed since societies were formed and social norms and expectations were required of all members of society. Gangs were first formed as a social group espousing brotherhood and friendship, however, gangs evolved to become anti-social groups involved in crimes such as drug trafficking, selling and manufacturing, murder, assault, and riots. Since most gangs recruit adolescent members, it is important to understand what and why adolescents join gangs. This paper seeks to examine the factors that influence the youth’s decision to join gangs. Background of the Study The marked increase in youth violence and delinquency was observed two decades ago, at which point membership in gangs had also increased. Youth gangs were prevalent in large urban cities, but at its peak, it made its way even to smaller cities and the more rural areas across the country. Researchers had found a link between the rises of youth gangs to youth violence because gang members have access to guns and other weapons as compared to delinquents. Another factor considered in the rise of gangs and violence is the increase in drug trade in the area or locality, it is expected that those who deal illegal drugs have guns, weapons, and have more tendency to commit violence. At present, the number of youth gangs in American society have continued to rise and gain more members. Youth gangs had existed even before American society had developed to what it is now, previously, youth gangs were organized in order to serve some social purpose, but with more tendencies for vandalism, fighting with other gangs and establishing their territories. Gangs had now become the epitome of what is anti-social behavior, thus, gangs are viewed as troublemakers, violent, illegal, unscrupulous, to be feared and woe to the parent who have lost a child to gangs. Many studies had been conducted to explore and understand the dynamics of gangs and gang membership, most had been able to identify the factors associated with gang membership and how gang members behave as well as their organizational structure. One thing is for sure, gangs are anything but simple, gangs have a complex organizational structure, and studying gangs have not been conclusive to date. Gangs had been difficult to study and understand especially that more people and even the youth know that gangs are negatively perceived in society and that it can be dangerous to join gangs. The difficulty lies in the lack of consensus among researchers and the public as to what is a gang and how it is different from other social groups. Loosely defined, youth gangs is an organization with a set of leaders and members that are engaged in criminal acts, on the other hand, motorcycle gangs, prison gangs and hate gangs are more hard core, have more structure and hierarchy and are different from youth gangs. Moreover, gangs are more likely to be composed of males rather than females, but there has been a marked increase in the number of female gangs and female members. The relationship between membership in youth gangs and later criminal behavior had been espoused by a number of researchers and studies. Thus, it would follow that gang membership may predict violent behavior and criminal behavior. At this point, understanding why adolescents want to join youth gangs would help police, parents, schools and the public to make better decisions and provide programs that would keep the youth from joining gangs. This study hopes to explore and understand the factors that influence the youth’s decision to become a member of a youth gang. Problem Statement This study seeks to explore and understand the factors that contribute to the adolescent’s desire to join a gang. It is a reality that being a member of a youth gang is risky and disadvantageous in the sense that one is more likely to engage in criminal behavior, more likely to be involved in illegal activities and more likely to be caught and imprisoned. Nevertheless, youth gangs still enjoy the popularity and social status that they have in our society. More and more teenagers become gang members wherein they learn anti-social behaviors that only place them at risk. Due to the presence of youth gangs and the increasing membership of the said gangs, there has been a marked increase in violent crimes and criminal acts in almost all cities in the country. This social problem have contributed to the increase in the number of convicted juvenile delinquents, the increase in high school drop out rates and even the violence that occurs in our schools. If the youth focus only on what is essential, and that is to go to school, learn the skills that would help them become productive members of society and to serve as examples for the younger generation, then our society would be in a better position than it is now. If the youth today stay away from gangs, ultimately, gangs would die and end its existence because there are no members to sustain it. By studying the factors that lead teenagers to join gangs, we would be in a better position to provide programs and information that would keep them from joining gangs; hence, we would have a better society, a more positive, creative, and promising youth and less crimes, delinquency and violence. This study specifically aims to answer the research question â€Å"What factors lead the youth to seek membership in gangs?†In order to answer the main research question, the study also seeks to determine the following: Who is the typical gang member? What are his/her personal characteristics, educational attainment, and interests? When and how does a person become a gang member? What factors predispose the youth to join gangs? What factors influence the youth to join gangs? Purpose and Objectives of the Study This study seeks to explore and determine the factors that lead the youth to join gangs. At the outset, this study is not one-dimensional; it takes into account that there could be a myriad of factors that engage the youth to become gang members. Thus, this study was designed to provide answers to the following questions: Who is the typical gang member? What are his/her personal characteristics, educational attainment, and interests? When and how does a person become a gang member? What factors predispose the youth to join gangs? What factors influence the youth to join gangs? Just as some people are drawn to gangs, there are also those who do not want to become a member of any gang, thus in order to sufficiently answer the main research question, it is also important that the personal characteristics of the gang member should be examined. By knowing the personal characteristics, educational attainment and interest of the gang members, we would be able to identify who among the youth are drawn to gangs and thus, we could provide interventions or prevention strategies targeted at the said persons to keep them from joining gangs. Knowing what goes on in gangs and how individuals are recruited and the process in which members are accepted into gangs will provide answers to the question of what is in gangs that make them attractive to the youth of today. Understanding what attracts them to join gangs also enables us to provide a more specific intervention strategy or campaign that would help individuals become prey to gangs. The term predispose means the propensity or likelihood of joining gangs, in this question, it is desired that the family set-up, academic performance, social skills and needs of the youth are examined and whether this contributes to the decision to join groups. This question can be answered by individuals who have not yet officially joined any gang but desires to become part of a gang, as such we would be able to identify what mitigating factors increase the likelihood of joining gangs. The last question is designed to identify the factors that lead the youth to join gangs. As such, the individuals are asked to specify the factors whether it be personal social, educational, economic or psychological that have influenced their decision to join gangs. This question can be adequately answered by individuals who are already gang members.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
A Man with a Vision :: essays research papers
My search began with personal interest about a man by the name of Howard Coffin. I knew him as the founder of Pirates of the Spanish Main, a local organization that he established in 1931. His purpose in founding the club was to welcome dignitaries, promote the Golden Isles, and aid the community. As a member of the club today, I thought it might be interesting to trace the roots back to the founder. Little did I know, Mr. Coffin was much more than just the founder of a club. He was also a man with a vision, who made huge strides in developing much of the Golden Isles.      Mr. Coffin was born in 1873 and grew up on an Ohio farm, and in Ann Harbor, Michigan. He first discovered one of his visions while attending the University of Michigan. His vision was somehow to produce a low cost car, which would sell for less than a thousand dollars and that would attract a mass market. In 1902, Howard Coffin went to work for the Old Motor Works of Detroit, where he began his phenomenal career as an automobile builder. After the Olds Company decided to stay with their expensive car, he worked at other companies until he was finally able to achieve his dream. With the financial support of the Hudson Department Stores of Detroit, he invented the Hudson Car. The car was the first model of a four-cylinder roadster that sold for about $900.      The first visit that Mr. Coffin made to the coast of Georgia was in 1910 to attend the Savannah Road Race. Early automobile manufacturers liked to watch their cars perform, but also they made it a vacation trip. While attending the races and enjoying their vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Coffin fell in love with the beauty and history of the Golden Isles of the Georgia coast. Since Mr. Coffin was well able to afford just about anything he wanted, he and his wife decided to purchase the 20,000 acres that made up Sapelo Island. They would have a place to vacation, a wonderful place to entertain, and a reason to return to the Georgia coast.      Howard Coffin’s real importance to Golden Isles history was in the vision that he had for development with the ongoing process of automobile roads. After the end of World War I, the sales of automobiles far surpassed the condition of roads for their travel.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Customer service
Most of the people are having their vacation in a resort, they just want to relax and relieve their stress. Here in the Philippines, there are a lot of resorts; you have a lot of choices. Also here in Pangaea Angels City, we a lot have a lot of resort that can give you a relaxation. Hawaiian Palm Resort was built on December 08, 2012. Before it was a farmland and it has a fish pond, they decided to change into a resort because they want their parents to have a fruitful life in their remaining years in this world.They are still improving their resort, because their just in 2 years f managing the resort. Currently, the Hawaiian Palm Resort is using the manual system for their transaction in their reservation. First the guest needs to go to the Hawaiian Palm Resort to reserve some rooms or the function hall for specific events; the employee will give them a paper to fill-up some information. And with that, it's up to the guest if they are going to full their payment, but they need to ha ve a 50% down payment.If they want to cancel their reservation they cannot get the 50% down payment, for short, their no refund. The main problem in the manual system is that, if there is a lot of serration in the locale, they are lacking in the manpower, but the employee said that they can tolerate. The papers for their reservation are in the cabinet, the information is not secured and their some instances that the papers will be loss. So, the proponents proposed a website with reservation management system for the Hawaiian Palm Resort.They can attract more customers since they already have a website, and they can easily manage the reservations because it is on-line and it will lessen the manpower. Less time consuming for both employees and for the guest. II. Project Context Reservation management system is a process of booking of a room or a place for a specific occasion or vacation. By using the internet, the guest or the customer will lessen their time in going to the specific r esort just to reserve a room; it is convenient for them because it will lessen their cost In transportation and less effort.Here in the Philippines, most of the hotels and resorts are using the ARMS online, because they believe that if they do that, they can attract more customers and their profit will increased. They can easily know if their customer is satisfied to their service because there is a dieback module for the customers, the customers will just site some things that they experience in the resort. Environmental Their current situation in their reservation is that, they are still using the manual system. The effect of the proposed system is that, they will less time consuming, their data will be more secured, the manpower will be lessen.And if they want to improve the system Or the website, it's up to them; its not that hard for them to develop because they already have a current system or basis for them to get some ideas. Health and Safety For this website it is safe for customers because they will not have a hard time to go to the resort, they will just reserve online and they have less effort to pay and they can just see the appearance of the resort by just going to the website. Hassle-free for them because they will not use money, but rather using only internet.Economic Before, online reservations do not exist, people who want to reserve in the resort go directly in the place, and sometimes it's hard for them because for instances like no reserved rooms or in some instances that the resort is not available. The cost of the project is not that too much expensive, because it has long term benefits for the company. Being able for the people to know more about the resort. Social For entertainment, this website aims to entertain the people visiting. Keeping them knowing on what is the resort looks.Visualizing them to help the people to have an idea on how the resort is ore better than others. And the website will give information about the rules and d escription of the rooms, so that if they go to the resort they already know the rules and know what to do. HTH cal According to the locale, they don't have any problems regarding to the ethical issues. All their employees are honest and loyal. Keeping their loyal customer and keeping the good image Of the management. And the employees treat the customer very nicely; the employees are approachable and kind.Ill. Purpose and Description People nowadays are finding online shopping, reservation & booking, banking and other activities more comfortable on the internet rather than the conventional system. It is the best time for the Hawaiian palm Resort to make their presence online to boost their business. The purpose of online serration system of Hawaiian Palm Resort is to provide the resort with a system of reservation processing where management doesn't have to put a lot of people/employee that will handle the customers.The online system leaves it to the customers to fill the details an d information required for the reservation of the resort. The web based of the online reservation system will help the resort management to post images of the resort, enlist services and prices with discounts and other offers to attract more customers. These offers and discounts can be updated in quick time to give customers the most scent discount they can avail. IV. General Objectives The Aim of this is study is to develop a Website for Hawaiian palm Resort which will promote the Resort in the World Wide Web.A Web Site that will better promote the place and will enhance the communication between them and their market through the messages delivered through the website. The website Will have a reservation module for prospect guests; this will provide them with an idea about the cost of the rooms they want to reserve. Specific Objectives: 1 . To develop a website that will promote and advertise the Hawaiian Palm Resort and its accommodations and services by incorporating the followin g features: a. Design of the website and its content management system. B.Information about Hawaiian Palm Resort such as its location and information about its accommodation's classified by categories (pictures, prices, etc. ). C. Registration of reserved accommodations or services made online or placed real-time in the firm. D. Field for feedbacks or queries for the prospect customers (including suggestions and recommendations). 2. TO generate reports for the following: a. Record of the reservations placed online (approved, modified, completed, uncalled reservations) including the manually recorded reservations (transactions made at the resort). . Sales services, Billing and Payments (balance reports, payment reports, down payment reports, full payment). 3. To enable prospect customers to place reservations online. 4. To secure the privacy of the customers in terms of the required personal information on their transaction/s with the firm. 5. To help the management to retrieve neede d information in a fast and reliable manner. 6. To provide an audit trail that will record logs and other activities of the users in the system. 7. To archive information/records which are no longer being used. . To provide backup and restore of the database and system thus ensuring the safe keep Of the business and clients records. 9. TO provide the customers with an official receipt/form that will serve as an entry pass on the indicated date of visit, which will given to them after completing the online transaction. V. Significance of the Study The study focuses on having a proposed online website for Hawaiian palm Resort. The researchers aim to produce a website that will be access by their guests through the use of internet.This research will be benefiting the Hawaiian palm Resort, the guest and also the future researchers. Locale This system helps the locale improved their manual system and it also has a real-time, they can easily manage a lot of reservation. It also helps the locale to expand target market, leading to increased occupancy levels. It helps them to control and oversight of their bookings. Guest This system helps the guest to reserved rooms instantly without going to the resort just to check if there's an available rooms. It is also a time saving because it will lessen the time and the effort of the guest.They can be able to book anytime; from any,Inhere with internet access and they will get a quick response to their request. Future Researchers This study will help the future researchers to have some idea in the online reservation and how to create a website. This study will guide them if they are doing right or not, this study can be their basis in their study. VI. Scope and Delimitation This project focuses on the online reservation system of Hawaiian Palm Resort. It facilitates the reservation process of the resort. Being an online system it doesn't required help from anyone that the employee will lessen heir work.Any person with a basic knowledge in computer can go online and book to a resort without any hindrances This study will not cover the CRM or the customer relationship management, though it has a feedback module for the customers for them to know if the customer is satisfied. The study mainly focuses on the website itself, and to the transaction that they have in their reservation management. Using web browser is the best way to view the proposed system, you can view it in mobile but some of the module will not work and it will be more difficult for the guest to reserve.It will not also cover he billing process; the locale wants to have a manual process in their billing. The following will be the features of the website Website Home Page – it has the welcome page, photo slides of what the business is offering, basic information or an advertisement, links to other pages and to the transactions and modules of the system. Accommodations – it includes rate of About Us – It will have the co mpany or business profile, its history and other pertinent information about them which can be the staff, the management the owner Contact Us – Location Map, Business Address, E-Mail Address,Contact numbers, Fax Numbers, Other Branches (If there are any) Products and Services Offered which can be Categorized by Different Occasions, Themes or Packages with Prices Prices must be displayed but customers can be informed that price are subjected to change (so meaning there should be an back-end interface for the management to do the updates and changes) You can already include here a shopping cart that each the customer can use when making orders and reservation†¦ As products and services are added the amount will be displayed†¦When customers goes to the shopping cart ND check-out they will be prompt to login to their account if they are an existing customer and if not to register first After registering, the payment mode will be displayed, it can be thru Papal Terms and Conditions on Payments and Reservations News and Announcements – can include any post and announcements to the public or prospective clients, promos and discounts can be announced. New collections or party packages available Frequently Asked Questions -? This area Will serve as an entry for the customers to get answers from a common query or concern of customers. Customer service In today's world, we are Just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to advances of technology across almost all sectors. Technology seems more efficient and advantageous in our daily living and processing things gets more easier and improves our works and do more productive in developing of our lives. Technological advances create higher profit, fast access to information, increases communication and speed up work that gives impact to everyone and for general purpose.Information technology has it big impact in our country in many aspects such as government, education especially in business. Technology allows lessening the burden of works in companies or businesses; it eliminates error and comes with paperless. Technology also increases the business productivity of our country. And simply continue to change the business status and economic with the help of technology. A business such as salon or parlor is one of the industries that engaged to technology that helps man y people to beautify and deals with cosmetic treatment for men and women.The advances of technology affects a lot the economic of the Philippines and helps much in the production of the country's businesses, tourism and government. Having a billing system is important for keeping track of bills and payments to and from customers. Computerized billing exists to handle billing matters. Regularly using of services or programs can help you keep billing records and information up- to-date. Dilating Hair and Body Salon is a salon that is established to provide a good quality of service that is related to skin health, facial aesthetic, foot care, aromatherapy, and many other services to people.Having a salon that serves those kinds of services must also generate a good quality of billing to their customers. Dilating Hair and Body Salon use a manual billing system and do not have any computer related system. They do not have an organized file of bills and took much time for them to compute the total sales per day. They also took much time billing their customers. To help the said organization in their problems, a computer based billing system is proposed to make an organized file of bills and computed total sales lily, weekly or monthly.It will help them to make their service much efficient to their customers. II. Background of the Study Dilating Hair and Body Salon were originally come from Buenaventura. Idealist's first business name was â€Å"Dalai†from the mother of owner of the said business. And it was Just a general merchandise and a year passed they decided to have a facial clinic in the town of Boca and as the business run smoothly in the market they expand and upgrade until Dilating Hair and Body Salon were established on August 8, 2007 at San Miguel Boca, Martinique.Dilating Hair and Salon started to offer services to their customers such as regular treatment, massage, facial care, hair cuts, hair rebinding, hair relax and high end treatment. The se rvices of Dilating Hair and Salon are affordable for their customers that make their business successful and trust them for what the services they are offering to them. As they offer the services to their regular customers that keep from visiting their salon they give discounts for their trust and for making them beautiful and serving them with quality that satisfies their customer.Regular customers are discounted ranges 1 to 10%. Dilating Hair and Body Salon become one of the successful businesses in the province but use a manual billing system. This organization aims to have a good quality of service for their customer. Their objective is to serve their customer that will satisfy them and to make their customer happy. In the manual system of billing in the said organization the customer will ask or inquire to counter's desk for the service and ask how much each of service cost. The customer will only pay after the service.They are not giving invoices to their customers unless the customer asks for a receipt. However the organization does not have records of the customer bills and consume much time to compute the sales. They are literally using pens and papers for recording their bills and other reports that leads to inaccurate records of files. They are calculating it manually using a calculator that also leads to miscommunication. They keep their records and transactions manually that causes them to take much time and miscommunication. They have to check and compute if miscommunication happens.It affects them a lot especially when compiling the records and transactions of the total sales and bills. They are checking and computing it manually until miscommunication and error recordings are correct. Ill. Objectives of the Study General Objective: The general objective of the proposed project is to make a computerized billing system for Dilating Hair and Body Salon and to make a system that is user friendly for the organization. And to lessen the work about bi llings and have an organized files and reports. Specific Objectives:The following are the specific objectives of the study that will determine the deliverables. To present an accurate computation on the bill charged to the customers. To manage and secure the records on the database. To facilitate a faster transactions in billing the customers. To produce a print out on sales daily, weekly and monthly. To provide a convenient billing process. To develop a system that will help to make easier, faster and accurate billing process and to provide quality of service in terms of billing. To make the customers worry- free for their bills. IV. Scope and LimitationThe proposed system will have a customer's interface which primary purpose is to show the customer's bills to pay or the price of the service the customer want to by entering the code of the product by the cashier. The management's interface will have the log in which will provide the security of the billing system. Its primary purp ose is to allow the management to manage their services/prices and for the daily and weekly/monthly and reports in the database of the system. The cashier will have an interface that consists of prices and services and responsible for billing the customers.The customer with discount will have another interface which will contain the client's ID which will provide by the management and the customers primary information. The proposed system can update, delete, edit, record and add the product/service and prices. And print reports and invoices. The proposed system will generate daily sales report, billing report and monthly customer report. However it will Just only cover the billing of the customers and the generating reports for sales and billing report of customers. It will delimit in billing using credit cards because it s not reliable to pay through credit cards.The proposed system will also limit only to customer-billing transaction. The inventory is not included in the proposed system because it will only focus in billing the customer and making total sales report. Ooh V. Significance of the Study This study and the proposed project will benefited the people engaged in this project. Management: The management of the organization will be benefited because they will have an accurate files and less manpower. It will give them also a productive result and time saving process.Cashier or the Counter's Personnel: It will benefit them a lot because it will make to lessen the work. It will provide an accurate and reliable of records and make works easier and faster in billing the customers. Customers: They will be benefit by giving accurate price and bills and worry-free. Proponent: The proponent will be benefited by enhancing and improving the information systems skills in analyzing and designing a program of the system. Future Developers: They will benefit them by giving chance to make the system for more improvements and add more features or functions. Customer service In today's world, we are Just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to advances of technology across almost all sectors. Technology seems more efficient and advantageous in our daily living and processing things gets more easier and improves our works and do more productive in developing of our lives. Technological advances create higher profit, fast access to information, increases communication and speed up work that gives impact to everyone and for general purpose.Information technology has it big impact in our country in many aspects such as government, education especially in business. Technology allows lessening the burden of works in companies or businesses; it eliminates error and comes with paperless. Technology also increases the business productivity of our country. And simply continue to change the business status and economic with the help of technology. A business such as salon or parlor is one of the industries that engaged to technology that helps man y people to beautify and deals with cosmetic treatment for men and women.The advances of technology affects a lot the economic of the Philippines and helps much in the production of the country's businesses, tourism and government. Having a billing system is important for keeping track of bills and payments to and from customers. Computerized billing exists to handle billing matters. Regularly using of services or programs can help you keep billing records and information up- to-date. Dilating Hair and Body Salon is a salon that is established to provide a good quality of service that is related to skin health, facial aesthetic, foot care, aromatherapy, and many other services to people.Having a salon that serves those kinds of services must also generate a good quality of billing to their customers. Dilating Hair and Body Salon use a manual billing system and do not have any computer related system. They do not have an organized file of bills and took much time for them to compute the total sales per day. They also took much time billing their customers. To help the said organization in their problems, a computer based billing system is proposed to make an organized file of bills and computed total sales lily, weekly or monthly.It will help them to make their service much efficient to their customers. II. Background of the Study Dilating Hair and Body Salon were originally come from Buenaventura. Idealist's first business name was â€Å"Dalai†from the mother of owner of the said business. And it was Just a general merchandise and a year passed they decided to have a facial clinic in the town of Boca and as the business run smoothly in the market they expand and upgrade until Dilating Hair and Body Salon were established on August 8, 2007 at San Miguel Boca, Martinique.Dilating Hair and Salon started to offer services to their customers such as regular treatment, massage, facial care, hair cuts, hair rebinding, hair relax and high end treatment. The se rvices of Dilating Hair and Salon are affordable for their customers that make their business successful and trust them for what the services they are offering to them. As they offer the services to their regular customers that keep from visiting their salon they give discounts for their trust and for making them beautiful and serving them with quality that satisfies their customer.Regular customers are discounted ranges 1 to 10%. Dilating Hair and Body Salon become one of the successful businesses in the province but use a manual billing system. This organization aims to have a good quality of service for their customer. Their objective is to serve their customer that will satisfy them and to make their customer happy. In the manual system of billing in the said organization the customer will ask or inquire to counter's desk for the service and ask how much each of service cost. The customer will only pay after the service.They are not giving invoices to their customers unless the customer asks for a receipt. However the organization does not have records of the customer bills and consume much time to compute the sales. They are literally using pens and papers for recording their bills and other reports that leads to inaccurate records of files. They are calculating it manually using a calculator that also leads to miscommunication. They keep their records and transactions manually that causes them to take much time and miscommunication. They have to check and compute if miscommunication happens.It affects them a lot especially when compiling the records and transactions of the total sales and bills. They are checking and computing it manually until miscommunication and error recordings are correct. Ill. Objectives of the Study General Objective: The general objective of the proposed project is to make a computerized billing system for Dilating Hair and Body Salon and to make a system that is user friendly for the organization. And to lessen the work about bi llings and have an organized files and reports. Specific Objectives:The following are the specific objectives of the study that will determine the deliverables. To present an accurate computation on the bill charged to the customers. To manage and secure the records on the database. To facilitate a faster transactions in billing the customers. To produce a print out on sales daily, weekly and monthly. To provide a convenient billing process. To develop a system that will help to make easier, faster and accurate billing process and to provide quality of service in terms of billing. To make the customers worry- free for their bills. IV. Scope and LimitationThe proposed system will have a customer's interface which primary purpose is to show the customer's bills to pay or the price of the service the customer want to by entering the code of the product by the cashier. The management's interface will have the log in which will provide the security of the billing system. Its primary purp ose is to allow the management to manage their services/prices and for the daily and weekly/monthly and reports in the database of the system. The cashier will have an interface that consists of prices and services and responsible for billing the customers.The customer with discount will have another interface which will contain the client's ID which will provide by the management and the customers primary information. The proposed system can update, delete, edit, record and add the product/service and prices. And print reports and invoices. The proposed system will generate daily sales report, billing report and monthly customer report. However it will Just only cover the billing of the customers and the generating reports for sales and billing report of customers. It will delimit in billing using credit cards because it s not reliable to pay through credit cards.The proposed system will also limit only to customer-billing transaction. The inventory is not included in the proposed system because it will only focus in billing the customer and making total sales report. Ooh V. Significance of the Study This study and the proposed project will benefited the people engaged in this project. Management: The management of the organization will be benefited because they will have an accurate files and less manpower. It will give them also a productive result and time saving process.Cashier or the Counter's Personnel: It will benefit them a lot because it will make to lessen the work. It will provide an accurate and reliable of records and make works easier and faster in billing the customers. Customers: They will be benefit by giving accurate price and bills and worry-free. Proponent: The proponent will be benefited by enhancing and improving the information systems skills in analyzing and designing a program of the system. Future Developers: They will benefit them by giving chance to make the system for more improvements and add more features or functions. Customer service In today's world, we are Just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to advances of technology across almost all sectors. Technology seems more efficient and advantageous in our daily living and processing things gets more easier and improves our works and do more productive in developing of our lives. Technological advances create higher profit, fast access to information, increases communication and speed up work that gives impact to everyone and for general purpose.Information technology has it big impact in our country in many aspects such as government, education especially in business. Technology allows lessening the burden of works in companies or businesses; it eliminates error and comes with paperless. Technology also increases the business productivity of our country. And simply continue to change the business status and economic with the help of technology. A business such as salon or parlor is one of the industries that engaged to technology that helps man y people to beautify and deals with cosmetic treatment for men and women.The advances of technology affects a lot the economic of the Philippines and helps much in the production of the country's businesses, tourism and government. Having a billing system is important for keeping track of bills and payments to and from customers. Computerized billing exists to handle billing matters. Regularly using of services or programs can help you keep billing records and information up- to-date. Dilating Hair and Body Salon is a salon that is established to provide a good quality of service that is related to skin health, facial aesthetic, foot care, aromatherapy, and many other services to people.Having a salon that serves those kinds of services must also generate a good quality of billing to their customers. Dilating Hair and Body Salon use a manual billing system and do not have any computer related system. They do not have an organized file of bills and took much time for them to compute the total sales per day. They also took much time billing their customers. To help the said organization in their problems, a computer based billing system is proposed to make an organized file of bills and computed total sales lily, weekly or monthly.It will help them to make their service much efficient to their customers. II. Background of the Study Dilating Hair and Body Salon were originally come from Buenaventura. Idealist's first business name was â€Å"Dalai†from the mother of owner of the said business. And it was Just a general merchandise and a year passed they decided to have a facial clinic in the town of Boca and as the business run smoothly in the market they expand and upgrade until Dilating Hair and Body Salon were established on August 8, 2007 at San Miguel Boca, Martinique.Dilating Hair and Salon started to offer services to their customers such as regular treatment, massage, facial care, hair cuts, hair rebinding, hair relax and high end treatment. The se rvices of Dilating Hair and Salon are affordable for their customers that make their business successful and trust them for what the services they are offering to them. As they offer the services to their regular customers that keep from visiting their salon they give discounts for their trust and for making them beautiful and serving them with quality that satisfies their customer.Regular customers are discounted ranges 1 to 10%. Dilating Hair and Body Salon become one of the successful businesses in the province but use a manual billing system. This organization aims to have a good quality of service for their customer. Their objective is to serve their customer that will satisfy them and to make their customer happy. In the manual system of billing in the said organization the customer will ask or inquire to counter's desk for the service and ask how much each of service cost. The customer will only pay after the service.They are not giving invoices to their customers unless the customer asks for a receipt. However the organization does not have records of the customer bills and consume much time to compute the sales. They are literally using pens and papers for recording their bills and other reports that leads to inaccurate records of files. They are calculating it manually using a calculator that also leads to miscommunication. They keep their records and transactions manually that causes them to take much time and miscommunication. They have to check and compute if miscommunication happens.It affects them a lot especially when compiling the records and transactions of the total sales and bills. They are checking and computing it manually until miscommunication and error recordings are correct. Ill. Objectives of the Study General Objective: The general objective of the proposed project is to make a computerized billing system for Dilating Hair and Body Salon and to make a system that is user friendly for the organization. And to lessen the work about bi llings and have an organized files and reports. Specific Objectives:The following are the specific objectives of the study that will determine the deliverables. To present an accurate computation on the bill charged to the customers. To manage and secure the records on the database. To facilitate a faster transactions in billing the customers. To produce a print out on sales daily, weekly and monthly. To provide a convenient billing process. To develop a system that will help to make easier, faster and accurate billing process and to provide quality of service in terms of billing. To make the customers worry- free for their bills. IV. Scope and LimitationThe proposed system will have a customer's interface which primary purpose is to show the customer's bills to pay or the price of the service the customer want to by entering the code of the product by the cashier. The management's interface will have the log in which will provide the security of the billing system. Its primary purp ose is to allow the management to manage their services/prices and for the daily and weekly/monthly and reports in the database of the system. The cashier will have an interface that consists of prices and services and responsible for billing the customers.The customer with discount will have another interface which will contain the client's ID which will provide by the management and the customers primary information. The proposed system can update, delete, edit, record and add the product/service and prices. And print reports and invoices. The proposed system will generate daily sales report, billing report and monthly customer report. However it will Just only cover the billing of the customers and the generating reports for sales and billing report of customers. It will delimit in billing using credit cards because it s not reliable to pay through credit cards.The proposed system will also limit only to customer-billing transaction. The inventory is not included in the proposed system because it will only focus in billing the customer and making total sales report. Ooh V. Significance of the Study This study and the proposed project will benefited the people engaged in this project. Management: The management of the organization will be benefited because they will have an accurate files and less manpower. It will give them also a productive result and time saving process.Cashier or the Counter's Personnel: It will benefit them a lot because it will make to lessen the work. It will provide an accurate and reliable of records and make works easier and faster in billing the customers. Customers: They will be benefit by giving accurate price and bills and worry-free. Proponent: The proponent will be benefited by enhancing and improving the information systems skills in analyzing and designing a program of the system. Future Developers: They will benefit them by giving chance to make the system for more improvements and add more features or functions.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
How to write a finance dissertation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1005 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? How to write a finance dissertation When writing a successful finance dissertation you are looking to display a thorough knowledge of the key concepts of your course, and you want to show that you are capable of producing a confident piece of academic research and writing. Whilst there are many ways to ensure that your finance dissertation is stylistically impressive and is fully functional, there are several practical steps that need to be taken in order to ensure that marks are not docked for simple mistakes. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How to write a finance dissertation" essay for you Create order A good starting point is to go through the process of reading another finance dissertation in order to gauge more precisely what is needed. Copies of past finance dissertations can be found in your University library. However, before you even get to this stage you need to choose your question. The question you eventually chose for your finance dissertation must show a clear objective, and in order to do that your topic needs to be well researched. If you have a vague question then your finance dissertation will itself turn out to be vague, as well as being more difficult and more time-consuming to research. You will need to focus on a specific part of your finance course. Coming up with a topic and title for your finance dissertation is often difficult, but it is also vital as it sets the tone for the work you produce thereafter; a narrowly defined topic helps you to stay focused. It is best to choose a topic which you are passionate about and interested in. Once you have decided upo n your topic and what your question will be then you can go about finding a similarly titled finance dissertation in your University library to study. It is essential when working on your finance dissertation that you create a timetable for you to work to and then make sure that you stick to it. This will help you to obtain the relevant source material, and at the same time will be an insurance against things going unexpectedly wrong. You need to start by carrying out thorough research on as many journals and research papers on your chosen subject as is possible. Then you need to identify what the different positions and viewpoints of the academics are on your chosen subject. Once you have identified what the key areas of opinion are then this will help you to produce your plan for your finance dissertation. Once you have conducted your primary research you will need to interpret the data and try to come to conclusions. This is an important process which requires intense concentration. In your finance dissertation introduction you should set out as best as possible what the purposes of your research are and what methods you have used for your investigation. Once you have completed the writing for your finance dissertation you will also need time to carefully and thoroughly proofread, copy edit and format everything you have written. This will help you to make sure that your finance dissertation is both factually and stylistically consistent throughout. Finally it is very important that your finance dissertation should be clearly referenced. Referencing is important for many reasons, specifically to avoid accusations of plagiarism; poor referencing can lead to docked marks. You also need to insure that the style of referencing is the same as specified. * The key to writing a good finance dissertation is to pace yourself properly. This is in order to best avoid a panic in the final few days, and also to give yourself breathing space to reflect on your research and to help produce a well written and logical piece of work. Before pressing on with your writing a thorough understanding of what kind of analysis will be needed is essential. In a finance dissertation you need to be able to show that you have the ability to produce a serious academic analysis of your subject. As well as focusing on your specific topic, you should also be able to give a broad overview of your degree course. Only producing simple descriptions of the arguments and the topic will not be enough in a successful finance dissertation, and will not show that you have gained a thorough understanding of the issues and concepts of your course. A successful finance dissertation should be full of analysis, critical evaluation and discussion of your subject. It is of vital importance that you manage to show what you have learnt. You need to show evidence of thought and insight, as well as evidence that you have a good grasp of the relevant concepts. A finance dissertation tests your ability to present a sustained academic argument in a clear, logical manner. Your finance dissertation must show that you are confident in using the relevant scholarly appar atus necessary to support your argument. * When looking at your completed finance dissertation there are several points which you need to check in order to avoid losing marks for silly mistakes. Your finance dissertation will more likely than not need a title page and a page of contents, and there is likely to be other vital information which needs to be included at the start of your finance dissertation. If necessary you need to produce tables or charts of relevant data in your finance dissertation. At the end you should include bibliography of the sources used. As mentioned before your finance dissertation needs to be thoroughly referenced throughout. Stylistically it is important that you avoid colloquialisms, or sloppy grammar. You should always ensure when writing your finance dissertation that you stick to the thread of your central argument. Ideally paragraphs should be approximately five or six sentences long, and should have good linking words and phrases. When writing you should try as far as possible to avoid personal language such as I or my. By sticking to a plan and by demonstrating a thorough knowledge of your subject area, as well as an original and compelling conclusion, you can produce a high quality finance dissertation.
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