Friday, December 27, 2019
Child Care/ Communicate with Adults - 1536 Words
Demonstrates the understanding of how to interact and communicate with adults The right way to approach a parent/ adult is to keep calm at all times also to respect them like they should respect you. As a carer for their children you should always agree with their opinions even if they are not right but they are entitle to their say in things. If you do not understand an adult/parent you should apologize and ask them to repeat themselves. Also never make a value of judgement about a child or a family but you need to always respect a person’s culture and identity. When talking to a parent or adult you should always use the name they would prefer you to call them by. If a parent / adult have a different view to yours you†¦show more content†¦This will help to support the planning in where you’re working. Team meeting and even discussions with colleagues hep to make a work place flow as you will get many ideas and input from colleagues and then are able to agree on something you all like. When having a team meeting as a leader or a manager it’s your chance to have your say just as it’s you colleagues to have there’s, it is also a chance for you to make your colleagues aware of any new children, allergies and timetables, trips for the week and any other information that needs to be discussed. Children’s needs and development All equipment in a childcare setting should be checked for example toys, should not be hard if the child is younger than 3 years and should be soft were as if the child is older than 3 they may play with Lego, But must be on their best behaviour when using it, this includes no chewing it no throwing. Also in a childcare environment you should have an adult present at all times and asking children if they are ok and interacting with them not just as a group but individually too. Carers have to be on the ball with toilet duty washing hands and making sure there on the ball. When the children are eating an adult should also be present at all times as the adult should be supervising there eating the right thing and not somebody else’s food and are being well behaved. Confidentiality policy Development records are kept on all theShow MoreRelatedChilcare Level 2 Unit 001 Essay756 Words  | 4 Pagescan be written answers for your Certificate. Please complete the questions which your assessor has asked you to complete. Unit 001 Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings Outcome 1: 1. Identify different reasons why people communicate People communicate to give information, receive information, give and receive instructions, express a need, negotiate and discuss situations and also to develop learning. | 2. Explain how effectiveRead MoreUnit 301 Communication and Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults1733 Words  | 7 Pagesdiverse school Why do we communicate? How do we communicate? 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Effects of Stereotypes on Gender Roles - 2193 Words
The Effects of Gender Roles Kayla Keidel Research Design Ohio Valley University Abstract Gender roles are an expression of society’s thought on how a man or woman should be. This is shown by individuals having pressure from the people in society telling them how they need to act, dress, look, and be. In this paper gender stereotypes will be discussed this will consist the role they play in what is expected of men and women according to society, the male and the female breadwinners for their families and their expectations of one another and their selves. The main purpose of this paper is to view the tradition gender roles and the contemporary or equal gender roles combined them together and this will help people perceive themselves in a†¦show more content†¦In addition, it examines the extent to which status affects the evaluations associated with women’s and men’s self-perceived traits†¦the instrumental and expressive attributes that have been the focus of most theoretical and empirical work, in addition to other less-research ed attributes.†(Gerber, 2008). This basically says that gender roles can be defined by individuals and by society. An article by Christine E. Stanik and Chalandra M. Bryant called â€Å"Marital Quality of Newlywed African American Couples: Implications of Egalitarian Gender Role Dynamics†(2010) says that there are two different types of attitudes an individual can have towards gender roles and household labor. Stanik and Bryant believe that the two types of attitudes are traditional attitudes and the contemporary or equal attitudes. Traditional attitudes can be described as attitudes that separate men into paid roles of work outside of their own home whereas the women would stay at home and do unpaid work. This work would consist of keeping up with the house, cooking, and taking care of the children. The more contemporary or equal attitude would be that men and women are equal it shouldn’t matter if a man wants to stay at home and do house work while the woman goes out and provides for her family. StanikShow MoreRelatedEssay on Gender Roles and Stereotype Effects on College Students2096 Words  | 9 PagesGender stereotypes are mostly taken for granted at a young age: girls are told to play with dolls and boys are told to play with trucks. But as children grow older they find themselves in a world where the reality of gender roles and stereotypes aren’t acknowledged, and the illusion of gender neutrality is commended. If gender roles are becoming more neutral, then it would follow that gender role stereotypes are also becoming more lax. However, in actuality this is not true. Banerjee and LinternRead MoreStereotyping : Stereotypes And Stereotyping1494 Words  | 6 Pages In everyday life Stereotypes are used, they are directed towards ethnicity, gender, and education. â€Å"In ethnicity, we have the ideas that each race is a certain way†(Aronson. The impact of stereotypes). Here are a couple of examples for blacks, they all can run fast, and that they are all about the welfare system. â€Å"For Hispanics they are stereotyped as being crazy, loud, lazy, drug dealers, illegal immigrants, and slutty†(Typical stereotypes of Hispanics). The stereotypes of ethnicity is causingRead MoreThe Influence Of Gender Roles1404 Words  | 6 Pages The Influence of Gender Role Stereotyping Shawn Berkley Santa Fe College Abstract Study on gender role stereotypes has shown that there are several negative effects of stereotyping. The study on how gender role stereotyping effects children is not as prevalent because most believe that it doesn’t matter, since children are just forming their stereotype so children do not care. However, some psychologists have done some research on it, and from their researchRead MoreThe Role Of Gender And Stereotyping Of The Sexes Essay972 Words  | 4 PagesIn this paper I will discuss how the role of gender and the stereotypes of the sexes relate. I will also discuss the child’s perception of their male and female superiors and in the way they carry out their own behavior in regards to what has been introduced to them. 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The first one is the role of humor seen in television advertisements and the second looks at peoples attitudes toward humorous and non-humorous ads that have gender stereotypes in them and how that would affect a persons desire to buy. There has been a lot of research done on the gender stereotyping, especially on advertisement and the affect it has on society. The results of previous re search find that gender stereotypes reinforce stereotypes in societyRead MoreGender Roles And Stereotypes1719 Words  | 7 PagesWhether it is consciously or unconsciously, we humans tend to characterize people by their gender. â€Å"Often, gender expectations or stereotypes shape our thoughts and interactions with others in subtle yet perceptible ways†(Block 1). When children enter the school environment, they will likely experience a number of issues relating to gender. They will continue to encounter gender issues throughout their lifetime, so it is important that we teach them to address these issues appropriately. TeachersRead MoreGender and Negotiation 1073 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction-(1 page) Does gender influence how we negotiate, and how well we do? Does being a male or female affect our performance in a negotiation? Common logic tells us the answer is yes. Research concurs. Men and women differ in the way they view negotiations, the way they conduct negotiations, and even the outcome of negotiations. Being one gender puts us at an advantage to negotiate over being another gender. With the current style of negotiation, in the real world, men fare better in negotiationsRead MoreStereotypes And Stereotypes Of Gender Stereotypes1588 Words  | 7 Pagestoday holds many stereotypes, and sometimes people will rebel against the stereotypes in order to embrace the individual and oppose social norms. However, some stereotypes are harder to rebel against than other. A stereotype that might be harder to break, either because the people who believe in that stereotype are too ignorant to look past it or because the people who need to rebel are not able to, is gender based stereot ypes. One example of this type of stereotype is when gender roles appear in adolescenceRead MoreGender Inequality And Its Impact On Children s Developmental Essay1396 Words  | 6 Pagesoverlook gender inequality because race inequality is prevalent and easily recognizable. Like racial inequality; gender inequality is also a real issue in America. Gender stereotypes are perpetuated throughout our lifetime beginning when we are children. Early on, children learn what is means to be a boy or girl from societal standards. Children begin to suffer from the boys versus girl’s mentality which is evident in the social behavior of children. Children’s stereotypical thinking about gender is manifested
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Essay on Policy Analysis
Question: Describe about the Essay on Policy Analysis. Answer: Introduction The aspect of social policy deals with the decision-making process of the community and governments in terms of investment, the individuals qualified for facilities provided by them etc. integrating the aspects of social issue in totality. Among the population of a country there exists a section of the population for whom medical tourism plays a vital role. This can be seen from the fact that a large section of the children receives education from government funded schools, which naturally makes social policy a significant perspective to deal with (Hall and Midgley, 2006). Hence in order to manage intra-societal relations and forming the quality of living standard it acts as a contributing factor. On the basis of the above made discussion, the assignment will deal with social policy in terms of Education policy; critically analyze the policy and recommendations to enhance these policies. Body The issues of social development are associated with aspects like freedom, justice, right, fairness etc. However, the lack of scientific way of defining it results in its individualistic judgment. The edifice of these forms of judgment is expectations, social values, and norms. It is known as normative theory. The norms, considerations, decision makers values, normative views of the decision makers are reflected in all policy decisions. Social policys value frameworks are provided by normative theories (Tulloch, 1978). A societys religious, cultural, political, ideological beliefs are represented by it. The normative theory consists of different approaches which include statist, enterprise, and populist approach. Statist approach promotes the aspect that in bringing enhancements in social conditions state plays a major role. In this process, social services are required to be improved along with boosting the living standard. Statist approach is also refereed as welfarism. Along with Western industrialized countries organizations like United Nations emphasizes on this approach. The enterprise approach is opposed to enterprise approach. Minimalistic governmental role and its intervention in the social arena are favored in this approach. Thus the edifice of this ideology is perspective of individualism and individual rights. The root of enterprise approach lies in the English Civil Wars, French Revolutions and America. It requires to be mentioned here that other than the state feudal authorities are also resisted in this approach. It is noticeable here that, utilitarianism is also a form of individualism in UK that was derived by Jeremy Bentham. The philosophies of Adam Smith also support the notion of enterprise approach, according to whom, free market should be promoted with minimal state interference. In terms of economy, the French principle of laissez faire expressed the individualistic approach of enterprise approach. According to this concept, the organic functioning of the market like imposing taxes required to be paid for social purposes, should not be disrupted by the state (Gibson, 2011). On the other hand, on engagement of the people, the common beliefs and values shared by them in social welfare is emphasized upon by the populist approach associated with development of social policy. The advocates of populist approach are of the opinion that, rather than governments or individuals, the people form the core of the society. Hence in order to determine whether any policy is beneficial for the society, the people should be made the focal point. It needs to be mentioned here that, at the basic level, in the process of developing social policy, issues of equality, social justice, right, plays integral part and requires to be incorporated in the policy process (Haugen, Musser and Kalambakal, 2010). The concept of equality refers to providing equal opportunities to all individuals of the society. In the concept of equality, equality of opportunity and equality of outcome are the two concepts two contradictory concepts in the relationship of equality. While the concept of rights are based, on the capabilities and needs of individual. The concept of social justice deals with the perspective of which individuals deserve and what are the facilities that should be provided to them. In terms of the Australian social policy, the concept of welfare state forms the basis of these policies. The basis of the concept of welfare state is, with paid labor work is equated and complete employment is possible (Thomas, 2008). The risks associated with natural part of life could be managed with the help of welfare state is another premises of welfare state. Thirdly, welfare acts as a means to strengthening the relationship between the population and the state. Hence, with its help social solidarity is promoted. In the post WWII period, these principles emphasized on the massive expansion of welfare state. However, by 1970, it became clear that in accordance to the plan the concept of welfare state was not working. As a result, in this period, in Australia and around the world the nature of welfare state changed drastically (, 2015). Education is an inseparable and important aspect of individuals life. According to some, education is essential for its intrinsic value, to some it is the means of achieving knowledge and personal enlightenment. However, on a practical basis, it helps them in terms of accessing jobs and contributes to standard of economic wellbeing of individuals. Thus in turn it helps an individual in enhancing the quality of life. With the help of integrating the above mentioned normative theory and the concept of welfare state, the education policy in Australia was formulated. Among all the social policies in Australia, along with health policy education policy is among the most essential perspective in the social policy area. In regards to securing the economic stability of individual which in turn secures the financial security of the nation, education policy is the most essential single indicator. In comparison to OECD average, investment in education institutions in Australia is similar. 6.1% of the GDP of the nation is spending on education. By 0.8% points Australia in the period between 2005 and 2010 increased its expenditure (class note). Whether the school is private or public also determines its funding (Dowling, 2008). Public schools are funded by state governments. 61% of the Australian students receive education from government schools and receive free education. Australian government provide fund to private schools. 33% of the population attend private school. Data reflect that, 50% of the population between 15 and 64 years, in 2003 received some kind of post-secondary education qualification. It is noticeable here that, the population who were participating in the workforce were excess of 80% as compared to totality 68% who did not receive post-secondary qualification. It reflects the fact that as compared to the population having received post-secondary qualification, the population who were not possessing it have chance of more than 3 times to be unemployed (class note). In the 2001 Census from Australian Bureau of Statistics it highlighted upon the aspect of high rates of poor health, unemployment, crime which was associated with lower levels of educational achievement. With the help of a network of private and public providers Australia delivered its educational facilities. In an OECD report on Australian education it was argued that fair and engaging practices were emphasized in its education sector. It further stated that, high completion rate for tertiary education, equality, quality were emphasized by it. However, indigenous and rural populations have lower performance in terms of the academics, and have limited access to tertiary education as compared to national average (Ellis, 2016). Other than class and race inequalities, gender inequalities can also be observed in Australian education system. Girls belonging from lower socio-economic background face considerable inequalities the system. The reason for their facing inequality is their economic condition and secondly because of their gender. The school retention percentage also highlights upon the existing inequalities in terms of class, gender, and race. In the higher education prominent gender disparities can be observed (Argy, 2007). The data of Australian Bureau of Statistics highlights upon the aspect that in terms of financial costs related with post-compulsory education acts as a major challenge for individuals from disadvantaged socio-economical background. Hence it is evident that in order to develop the education policy and imbalances in the education system they are required to be addressed. In order to deal with the above mentioned issues of inequalities in the educational policy of Australia, there are number of initiatives that can be taken by them. Firstly, formulating policies like UK, Education Reform Act which highlights upon educational excellence of the nation, the existing issues may be effectively dealt (, 2014). Hence, formulating such national school curriculum can turn out to be an effective strategy. Initiatives are required to be taken on the part Australian education policy in terms of quality control which may also help in minimizing the existing disparity. Other than that, the notions of equality and abolishment of discrimination should be promoted on the part of the government which would also contribute in the elimination of existing disparity in the education system. Conclusion From the above made discussion it can be inferred that, normative theory acts as the basis of policy formulation. The concept of welfare state was initially considered as integral in the process of policy formulation, the effectiveness of which later came under question. From this perspective, Australian education policy was discussed in the above discussion where it could be noticed that number of inequalities in terms of gender, caste, economic background are prevalent. In the assignment relevant strategies like social justice have been mentioned to deal with these issues (Dudley, 2006). References Argy, F. (2007). Education inequalities in Australia Institute of Advanced Studies: The University of Western Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2016]. (2015). History of the Welfare State. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2016]. Dowling, A. (2008). 'Unhelpfully Complex and Exceedingly Opaque': Australia's School Funding System. Australian Journal of Education, 52(2), pp.129-150. Dudley, W. (2006). Social justice. 2nd ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. Ellis, K. (2016). Inequality in Australia's schools is growing and must be reversed | Kate Ellis. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2016]. Gibson, D. (2011). Wealth, power, and the crisis of Laissez Faire capitalism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Hall, A. and Midgley, J. (2006). Social policy for development. 3rd ed. London: SAGE. Haugen, D., Musser, S. and Kalambakal, V. (2010). Social justice. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Greenhaven Press/Gale Cengage Learning. Kamerman, S. and Kahn, A. (2014). Privatization and the Welfare State. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (2014). Education Reform Act 1988. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2016]. Thomas, S. (2008). Leading for quality: questions about quality and leadership in Australia. Journal of Education Policy, 23(3), pp.323-334. Tulloch, P. (1978). Normative Theory and Social Policy. Journal of Sociology, [online] 14(1), pp.65-75. Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2016].
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Target Market Description free essay sample
Male and Female Occupation: students, businessmen, call- center agents, artists. Status: Single, Married Budget for a coffee: 100-150php Psychographics: Lifestyle: trendy, economical Consumer Behaviors: Values -Cultural value: They want their coffee to be served and originally brewed or roasted. -staying very long at one place Interests -Most of our consumers like to read books and listen to music. They also like arts and a vintage genre which our coffee shop represents. Attitudes: -half of our consumers are smokers. Some visits a coffee shop that has a smoking area. Consumer Needs: -They need to stay awake for school or work. For example, the call- center agents that have a graveyard schedule. -socializing with groups, their belongingness a place to stay Consumer Wants: use of internet /Wi-Fi -convenient location Expectations: -They expect in a coffee shop to be cozy and comfortable and a place where they can relax and think. -They also expect that our service is good, the presentation of the served food and beverages. We will write a custom essay sample on Target Market Description or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page -The top three expectation factors for students are brand name, shop decor and pastries whereas professionals want a convenient location and brand familiarity. Geographic: Our location for our Coffee Shop is at Greenbelt. It is a very convenient location because many of our target market go there. -urban, size of the area is big and the population is high. Lifestyle factors: Class A- They live near malls or a coffee shop branch. It can also be a â€Å"one-car away†for them. -Class B- The coffee shops are on their way when they go to work. -There are schools nearby. Students like to go to the malls after school. There is a MRT nearby. -There are residents around Greenbelt that are mostly our target market.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Writing with a Lens an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by
Writing with a Lens The message of the short story titled "A Clean, Well-lighted place" by Ernest Hemingway is that with age comes a better understanding of the troubles of others. The story centers on the opposing reactions of two waiters of different age groups towards a troubled old man who seek a nightly refuge in a clean and well-lighted cafe. The old man visits the clean and well-lighted cafe every night to drink. The cafe had been his source of nightly refuge from his troubles possibly because it is comforting and peaceful so that it is good for easing the knots of confusion on his head, unlike the bars that have blazing light and noisy music. In this way, he can drink his troubles away peacefully. Meanwhile, the younger waiter resents the fact that the old man stays too long in the cafe, forcing him to go home at 3:00 o'clock in the morning and delaying the time for him to be with his wife. He told the old man, perhaps out of resentment or irritation rather than ill will, that he should have kil led himself last week (for he had known that the old man almost committed suicide). The younger waiter, however, could not comprehend why the old man should kill himself when he had plenty of money. Obviously, he believed that money is enough reason to make one desire to live in this world. The older waiter however, is sympathetic towards the old man for he himself had started to feel the emptiness or nothingness of life. He had not shared with the younger waiter's sentiment that the old man had no reason to take his own life because he had plenty of money. It is safe to assume that with his age, he had already seen so much of life that his perspectives on life are so much different now than he was younger. He had admired the younger waiter's youth and confidence, two qualities that can make any man hopeful about life. He recognized that it is not the presence or absence of money that matters now, but the inner conflict of the soul had plunged the old man to despair so that he wants to shorten his rather ironically long life. Need essay sample on "Writing with a Lens" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Meanwhile, the critical essay titled "Who is American" by Eric Foner allows me to read the text differently. This essay is about the changing concept of American identity in American history. The problem of defining American citizenship or "Americaness" lays on its "inclusive" and "exclusive" ideas of who should be an American (Foner, 186). The difficulty arose because of the presence of many diverse groups of people (with its own unique physical characteristics and culture) in American soil that seeks to enjoy the rights and privileges accorded in American citizenship. However, conflicts arise because of the differing views held by the groups of people involved: for example, the white had a notion for racial superiority; they reasoned that blacks are by nature inferior who could not subject it own passions to its intellect. The Whites therefore, of European descent, should be the only ones that are worthy to be recognize as the true American. However, this concept had been challenge d by the supposed "inferior" races and their advocates through succeeding generations in American history. What is striking to note is that the change of the concept, of who should be included and excluded as American, is being influenced by the unique circumstances and experiences that American people faced throughout their history and until now the act of defining, or fixing the boundaries of inclusion or exclusions, of who should be an American continues to become a challenge. The unique circumstance and experiences of the Americans (for example, the Civil war that challenges the American ideals of equality and democracy, the expansion of American territories and America's view that they are the protector of the world) throughout history had lent different forms and shapes to those boundaries, sometimes expanding and at other times decreasing its limitations, so that success in fixing specific rights to groups of people had become elusive. In fact, Foner had predicted that even w ith the widely accepted modern approach to cultural pluralism or multicultural recognition of American society, the Americans of the twenty first century will continue to have a political and social struggle as diverse groups of people asserts its worth to be recognized as "American"( Foner , 186- 195). What this critical essay established is that life is a continuous battle, of winning and losing and this victories and defeats are largely dictated by the fact that man is changeable or evolving, that is, what is true or right to him today may not be true or right for him tomorrow. As man moves through life, his perspectives changes. These changes are largely influenced by his own unique experiences which are a mixture of lights and shadows (an application of old and new ideas to its fixed goals through time which are either beneficial or dangerous to him), of victories and defeats in his own lifetime as he struggles to find his worth. Therefore, in relating the concepts of this essay to the story, this enforces what I had first assumed what Hemingway may be trying to say in the story, on why the two waiters had differing reactions to the old man. Indeed the unique experiences of man placed him in a better position to understand the troubles of others. The advocacy for inclusion and exclusion to American citizenship had oftentimes raised sentiments and advocacy based on particular circumstances by others and in the same manner, the particular experiences of nothingness of the older waiter had made him sympathetic to the despair of the old man. However, age may not be a guarantee for understanding or becoming sympathetic with the troubles of others. As with the history for defining who is an American, there are times when the boundaries had expanded and then later decreased depending again on particular circumstances. In fact, the history of American citizenship is "a complex story in which gains are made and lost, rights are expanded and sometimes revoked and ideas long since discredited rise like ghost to haunt later generations"( Foner, 195). Therefore, feelings of sympathy towards the troubles of others may be based on immediate circumstances and not with age alone. This brings to my mind that the younger waiter had actually "did not wish to be unjust, he was only in a hurry" (Hemingway,). More importantly, the essay had enabled me to place a significant meaning to a "clean and well-lighted place " in the story unlike earlier where I only find its significance as an appropriate place to untangle all the troubles away. In the essay, the efforts for defining what an American is becomes the guiding fixed goal for the establishment of the worth of any diverse groups in American soil. However, before arriving at an agreeable identification of who is a true American, some factors, such as differing views and ideas had to be "wiped" clean. Otherwise, protest and wars will arise. In like manner, clean and light carries the same symbolic meaning in the story. "Well-lighted" symbolizes the fixed meaningful goals of man. A good lighting is a symbol of a worthy cause that serves to keep man on the right path of life, and it must be a balance cause, as for a good lighting consisted of shadows as well as light. Yet to reach those goals, man had to wipe some "bad, mistakes or failure s" in his past or life. The desire, therefore, for both the old man and the older waiter to seek refuge in a clean and well-lighted cafe, is a desire to clean their acts so that they will find their right path towards a meaningful life again. As a conclusion, I can say therefore that the use of critical essay had helped me find depth in the story. At first, I only see that Hemingway's message was to inform the reader that with age people had differing reactions to the troubles of others. The older the man, the more sympathetic he is. This is largely due to the fact that with age comes many experiences. However, although the critical essay supports the idea that man is prone to changes in perspectives based on his experiences, age may not be the ultimate factor for sympathy. The immediate circumstances that man finds himself may be the greatest contributory factor to his reactions to the troubles of others. Furthermore, the essay had helped me to place a more meaningful significance of the "well-lighted and clean cafe" in the story. Originally, I have concluded that a clean and well-lighted place is suitable for troubled people because it is comforting and peaceful, however, with the critical essay I have come to believe that a "well-lighted" and "clean" cafe is a symbol of a balanced human goal and the need for man to "clean" whatever is necessary to achieve those goals, respectively. However, both the critical essay and the primary text do not provide me any information on who the old man really was and what was exactly his problem. The old man was not ordinary for "he was clean.. . and drinks without spilling". (Hemingway,). However, his problem was indeed weighty and it is incredible that he wished to shorten his rather ironically long life through suicide. If the identity and problem of the old man is revealed, then it will probably change my interpretations of Hemingway's message. Moreover, the inability to disclose the identity and problem of man does not satisfy my curiosity as a reader. Works Cited Foner, Eric. "Who is an American?" Reading for Writing Analytically. Hemingway, Ernest. A Clean, Well-lighted Place.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Key Determinants of Success during Global Project Team Implementation The WritePass Journal
Key Determinants of Success during Global Project Team Implementation Key Determinants of Success during Global Project Team Implementation CHAPTER ONERESEARCH PROPOSAL1.0 BACKGROUND1.1 Problem Statement1.2 Project Definition1.2.1 Aim1.2.2 ObjectivesTo suggest recommendations necessary to the findings of the study.1.2.3 Scope of Study1.2.4 Project/Research Conditions1.3 Justification / Rational1.3.1 Business1.3.2 Academic1.3.3 Personal2.0 METHODOLOGY2.1 Sources and Scope of Data2.2 Data Analysis2.3 Data Presentation3.0 PROJECT OUTLINE3.1 Project Approach3.2   Organization of the study4.0 RESEARCH REQUIREMENT AND RESEARCH SCHEDULE4.1 Resource Requirement4.2 Schedule and Work Plan5.0 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS6.0 OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONCHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Purpose of the Literature Review2.1 Global Project Teams2.2 Global Projects2.3 Significance of Global Project Team Implementation in the 21st EraREFERENCESBIBILOGRAPHYRelated CHAPTER ONE RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1.0 BACKGROUND The world has evolved into a place where employees of organisations are of different nationalities and work outside their countries of origin. With the increase in globalization and the expansion of matrix-based organisations, managers/project teams need to work in culturally diverse project environments. Every global company’s competitive advantage depends on its ability to coordinate critical resources and information that are spread across different geographical locations. Govindarajan and Gupta (2001) having explored numerous organisational mechanisms concluded that the most effective tool to integrate dispersed cross-border operations is global corporation teams. Global teams are comprised of individuals with different skills, nationalities and cultures. These individuals come together to coordinate and manage aspects of multinational operation on a global basis (Govindarajen and Gupta 2001). 1.1 Problem Statement International projects are mainly driven by global project teams which provide room for a wide pool of talent, potential cost reductions, enforcement of internal competition and possible quality improvements (Eberlein 2008). In line with contemporary globalization being manifested in all spheres of business including international projects, Tomlinson (1999) attests that globalisation is a central theme in every modern business society and consequently poses additional challenge for project managers. To curb this challenge, many critical success factors have been discussed in a broader spectrum covering a range of Project Management knowledge areas. In as much as globalization impacts project management approaches and provokes the need for project teams to cope with the challenges resulting from an ever more dynamic environment of international projects. The problem this project seeks to resolve is to evaluate structures required to facilitate success in global project team implementa tion whilst staying sensitive to the diversity of persons involved in the project. 1.2 Project Definition 1.2.1 Aim The overall aim is to identify key determinants for effective global project team success. 1.2.2 Objectives In order to achieve the above aim, the following objectives are necessary: To examine theories and definition of effective global teams to achieve successful project implementation. To evaluate key determinants of successful global team implementation. To assess the potential challenges that may affect successful global team project implementation. To suggest recommendations necessary to the findings of the study. 1.2.3 Scope of Study 1.2.4 Project/Research Conditions The research conditions in this report refer to the assumptions, constraints and considerations which are aligned to the research objectives outlined in section 1.2.2. Factors considered being true, that may impede project progress and any external validating factors of the project (Hill 2004; Carmichael 2003; Heldman and Mangano 2009) are further discussed in Table 1. Table 1: Assumptions, Constraints, Considerations ASSUMPTIONS CONSTRAINTS CONSIDERATIONS Key determinants of success during global project team implementation has become critical in every international project and when discounted may vehemently  nce thesis.examine data, it is necessary to_________________________________________________________________ affect organizational functioning. Project Scope: the magnitude of the project could also be a constraint due to the vast project deliverables which will require more planning and resources to accomplish. Scope and Requirement Specifications Materials will be available and sufficient to facilitate accuracy in compilation of facts and figures as well as successful completion and handover of research results. Project Time: project has a schedule and this could serve as a constraint as it is expected not to exceed its timeline. Organisation of the Study No one technique or model adequately accounts as the critical success factor to facilitate successful global project team implementation hence the adoption of various models of effective team. Project Budget: approved budget could restrict the project team since they are left with no other option than to work within this budget. The economic, social and environmental trends of the project 1.3 Justification / Rational The proposed research seeks to propound a theory by way of complementing existing studies thereby contributing to substantiate the existing theories. Upon completion, it is expected that the proposed research will address the reasons for certain global or international projects’ liability to failures including inevitable challenges that may be faced during and after the project. The research will also provide standard and acceptable success models worth considering in global projects. It is, however, expected that the proposed research will contribute to the existing body of literature on matters of effective global team work as well as potential challenges that may affect successful global project team implementation. 1.3.1 Business Goldberg (2008) examines that, â€Å"We live in a project world that is characterized by frequent changes, complexity and virtual expertise. In such a world knowledge identification and sharing is a necessity. In effect, projects that cross borders offer unique opportunities as well as embrace significant risks. To ensure successful cross-border collaboration, careful selection and alignment are however, not enough (Freedman and Katz 2007), rather, certain deliverables must be aimed at and achieved to consider the project successful. 1.3.2 Academic The research holds a global view which conceptualises the success factors as a multi-dimensional concept. As a result, this research contributes to the generic success factors literature in project management by discussing five key determinants to be considered in every global project implementation. 1.3.3 Personal As an emerging Project Manager who aspires to be identified within a global project team, this research will equip me to better appreciate certain determinants of success which when considered will have a significant impact on global projects. 2.0 METHODOLOGY A qualitative research approach via content analysis and critical discussions as well as analysis will be employed in order to achieve the set objectives of this proposal. Considering the time frame allocated for this exercise, a secondary research methodology is deemed appropriate and will be adopted to congregate information. Literature to be reviewed as secondary data will be sourced from text books, journals and relevant websites via extensive research. Much of the work will also involve brainstorming exercises in order to develop substantial research analysis. 2.1 Sources and Scope of Data The research will use a structured approach to evalu ate existing literature from secondary data ranging from publications, research reports, and conference papers. Selection of articles in reviewed academic journals such as the Project Management Jour nal (PMJ) and the International Journal of Project Management (IJPM) will be mainly employed since these are considered the leading project management specific journals (Henrie and Sousa-Poza, 2005). Text books to be used for analysis will be sourced electronically and from libraries. Online databases such Science Direct, Emerald, and Business Source Premier will be used to source for other data that relates to the subject matter. 2.2 Data Analysis To appropriately address the objectives of this research proposal, literature will be reviewed to draw out the relative ideas and opinions to evaluate critical success factors in global team implementation. Pictorial representation as well as descriptive analysis in the form of theoretical analysis and critical evaluation will be employed to analyse information gathered. 2.3 Data Presentation Tables and Figures will be used in presenting data. If necessary, schematic diagrams will be employed to illustrate certain findings. 3.0 PROJECT OUTLINE 3.1 Project Approach The phases of the research have been aligned with the APM lifecycle model in Figure 1. 3.2   Organization of the study The study will be organized into five chapters. Chapter One will entail the introduction, problem statement, aim, objectives, methodology, justification of the study, organization of the study in addition to operational definitions to facilitate precise implications of certain words and phrases. Chapter Two will review available literature on Global projects, Global teams and their associated significance in the 21st broad-based international projects era among others findings. Chapter Three will be in two parts. The first part will comprise of what project success factors are and the importance attached to their definition at the commencement of a project. Data gathered will be presented and discussed in the second part of this chapter on five key determinants of success with regards to Global team projects. Chapter Four will entail factors that may affect the swift implementation of projects within a Global setting as well as the role of the project manager to ensure proper implementation. Chapter Five will summarise the findings by drawing a coherent conclusion and propose strategic recommendations through lessons learnt. By examining literature from journals, articles and text books, recommendations will be suggested through a broadened horizon of lessons learnt. 4.0 RESEARCH REQUIREMENT AND RESEARCH SCHEDULE 4.1 Resource Requirement The resource requirements for the research are the articles, journals, text books and relevant literature on Global teams within international projects and critical project success factors to be considered in facilitating successful global project team implementation. All these data are assumed to be free and readily available. At this proposal stage, articles as well as journals on Global teams, Global projects as well as key determinants of global project success have been acquired from text books and other website materials. Also journals and articles have been downloaded from electronic search engines. 4.2 Schedule and Work Plan The research is expected to be completed in four months representing the third semester duration. The research is expected to be completed on 29th September 2011. Figure 2 below shows the proposed dissertation duration work plan. Figure 2: Proposed research duration 5.0 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS The data required for the proposed research are publicly available and easily accessible electronically and from libraries. No form of unethical practice is required to gain access to the data required for analysis. Furthermore, all data will be objectively presented and analysed and all literature used will be properly acknowledged. 6.0 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION   Key Determinants of success / Critical success factors: CHAPTER TWO  LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Purpose of the Literature Review Literature review is considered a significant part of the research, given that, the researcher will be given the opportunity to appraise reliable past and current materials put together by authors about key determinants of success in global project team implementation. Literature Review will provide evidence on the eligibility of the topic by way of: Demonstrating opinions and facts discovered through the research. Justifying the inclusion of definite works in the review in an attempt to make the literature useful. 2.1 Global Project Teams In a quest to strategically improve effectively by means of integrating resources to gain competitive advantage, organisations are meticulously embarking on international projects by developing alliances across the globe. Geographically dispersed multinational project activities have become a competitive tool in contemporary business environments of which Cleland and Gareis (2006) assesses features such as differences in skills and culture team members bring on board, timely and cost-effectiveness projects as well as technology transfers across borders. 2.2 Global Projects 2.3 Significance of Global Project Team Implementation in the 21st Era REFERENCES GOVINDARAJAN, G. V. and GUPTA, G.A.K., 2001. Building an Effective Global Business Team. MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 42, No. 4 HENRIE, M. and SOUSA-POZA, A. 2005. Project Management: A cultural literary review. Project Management Journal 36(2), 5 14. LARSON, W. and GRAY, F., 2011. Project Management: Managerial Process. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. CLELAND, D. I. and GAREIS, R., 2006. Global Project Management Handbook. Planning, Organising and Controlling International Projects. 2nd ed. USA: McGraw-Hill. TOMLINSON, J., 1999. Globalization and Culture. University of Chicago Press. HOLSTEIN, J., GUBRIUM, J.F., 2002. Qualitative Research. Encyclopaedia of Aging. [Online] Available from (Accessed May 3 2011) CARMICHAEL, D.G., 2003. Project Management Framework, A.A. Balkema HELDMAN, K. and MANGANO, V., 2009. PMP: Project Management Professional Exam Review Guide. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Ltd. GOLDBERG, R., 2008. The Growing Importance of Global Collaboration. [Online] Available from (Accessed May 26 2011) FREEDMAN, S., and KATZ, L. 2007. Critical Success Factors for International Projects. PM World Today. Vol. IX, Issue IX. [Online] Available from (Accessed May 26 2011) BIBILOGRAPHY EBERLEIN, M., 2008. Culture as a critical success factor for successful Global project management in multi-national IT service projects. Journal of Information Technology Management Volume XIX, NO. 3.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Strategic Management - Assignment Example king from both internal and external influences, explains strategies used by Davies in launching this new line, and proposes recommendations about whether this new launch can provide a return on the investment. The PEST Analysis, as part of environmental scanning, provides an opportunity to witness the different external conditions that influence decision-making. This model recognises political, economic, social and technological forces that will determine a firm’s adaptability to external trends. From the political view, Davies’ new business intends to launch 25 stores. Success domestically will determine whether to take this brand international and strategy could be impacted by different taxation or tariffs on imported products, cutting into the profit margin. Depending on the country where Davies might export his goods, political forces can determine speed of new market entry or regulate volume being delivered. The economic environment plays a considerable role in how a business develops strategy. Where this new line will be introduced, the UK, there is a current recession that impacts consumers at all different levels and market segments. In response to consumers slowing their purchases, especially in retail, high-end companies like Versace have stopped production on five different product lines in lower-priced ranges since they were not showing signs of profitability (Choi, 2009). Further, Tiffany closed its business focusing on Iridesse pearl jewelry to focus on diamonds due to sales slumps (Choi). This illustrates how the economic environment drives companies to streamline their product lines or enhance their sales focus on higher-profiting products. Spending patterns in consumer groups can strongly impact strategic direction, especially at the operational level like at Versace. Social trends, also external, impact how a company conducts business in a certain environment. A recent survey of citizens in Asia identified that Asians tend to worry about
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Investment Analysis in a New Hair Product Aroma Oil Assignment
Investment Analysis in a New Hair Product Aroma Oil - Assignment Example Consumer trend: buying smaller and proportionately more expensive packs. Consumer trend: buying smaller and proportionately more expensive packs. Brand loyalty: heavy promotion encourages consumer switching and hampers brand loyalty. Competitors: Spritz from Fructis, Procter & Gamble, L’Oreal group. Consumers: tend to shop for promotions and new products  The total initial investment for installation of Plant and Machinery to manufacture the AROMA hair oil is $ 150,000 and for working capital $50,000. A total investment of $ 200,000 is required for activation of the project. The Operating Expenditure for the year is estimated at $ 1,573,988. The Production capacity of machinery is estimated at 250,000 bottles per month The present value of an initial investment of $ 200,000 invested at 3% at the end of the year will become $ 200000(1+0.03) = $ 206,000. The net return is $ 6,000 only as against $ 205,997 estimated as net profit for the first year after depreciation. The initial investment for installation of this project is $200,000 and its operational cost for one year is as $ 1,573,988. The total cost comes to $1,773,988. The benefits from sales and operational activities are estimated at $ 1,809,985. This yields a net present value NPV of $ 35,997 which is 18% return on Investment. The return on a bank deposit is only 3% per annum whereas in this case, the return on investment is 18% within one single year. The return is very attractive and the scope of growth is very high. There also exist long-term benefits in terms of expansion and addition of new hair care products. It is therefore suggested that the investment for this venture is made for the benefits of all!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
INTERPOL etc. communications between international law enforcement Essay
INTERPOL etc. communications between international law enforcement agencies - Essay Example These law enforcement agencies are to some extent, geographically restricted in their ability to apply law enforcement powers. The LEA may be capable of applying its powers within a nation, for instance, the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or within a partition of a country, such as the Australian state's Queensland Police, or, across a group of nations, like global organizations such as the Interpol. These law enforcement agencies that operate across an assemblage of countries help out in law enforcement activities, rather than directly enforcing laws by smoothing the progress in the sharing of information necessary for law enforcement between other enforcement agencies within different countries. In the forefront of battling international criminal elements is the Interpol. Founded and established in Vienna, Austria in 1923, The International Criminal Police Commission works for the objective of instigating global collaboration of criminal police forces (Deflem, 2000, pp. 601-640). Essentially, the ICPC was instituted as an international cooperative set-up of national police organizations with systems for worldwide telegraphic and radio communications and a journal published on a regular basis which conveys significant information among its member-states. By 1940, the Commission embodied more than 40 states, which included many known European powers like France, Germany, and Italy as well as some non-European countries, such as Bolivia, Iran, and Cuba. Basically, the International Criminal Police Organization-Interpol is the only worldwide organization of its kind with 177 member nations of which the General Secretariat is located in Lyons, France. The most important task of Interpol is to prop up police forces and the services of its member countries in their effort to thwart crimes and to carry out criminal investigations as competently and successfully as possible. So as to provide this support to member countries, Interpol conducts all its activities within the following three fundamental functions (UN, 2006, PP. 2-4): Secure international police communications services The essential prerequisite for worldwide police collaboration is to enable police personnel to communicate with each other safely and in real time globally, So as to give the international law enforcement community the best channels of communication, Interpol has crafted and executed a high-tech, global communications structure, commonly dubbed as the I-24/7. It facilitates the transmission of significant data about individuals and crimes, including photographs, fingerprints and DNA profiles, to its member countries, in a safe method within a matter of seconds. Currently, 183 of its 184 member countries are connected to this system. Operational data services and databases Once law enforcers can communicate globally, they need access to information to aid in their investigations or to take the necessary steps to deter transgressions and felonies. Hence, Interpol developed and maintains an extensive array of global databases, covering major data like names of criminals and suspected individuals, search requests for wanted persons, fingerprints,
Friday, November 15, 2019
Introduction To Organized Crime Criminology Essay
Introduction To Organized Crime Criminology Essay Organized crime groups have increased in dimension and activities in the last decade and have become global threats posing a serious challenge on the international community. In the United States, such groups have continued to expand despite measures to curb them and they have established networks in the major cities. Criminal groups have well developed international networks that help them to better exercise their activities in both legal and illegal markets by using complicated strategies and varied modi operandi (Jenkins Gary 1987). Due to that, these groups are in a position to infiltrate the financial, political, and economic systems of countries the world over. With expansion of the internet and more open borders, organized crime has gradually taken transnational nature endangering United States both from within and beyond. This threat is brought by the various criminal associations, which include, Asian, African, Russian, Middle Eastern, and Balkan syndicates. As a result, it has become very difficult for the federal government to combat organized crime that is today very well organized and up-to-date with recent technology. During economic downturn period, organized crime could additionally weaken the economy with illicit activities for example drug trafficking and tax evasion frauds that lead to a loss of tax income for state and federal governments. Fake activities in spheres such as tactical merchandise, credit, indemnity, securities, and reserves could extra deteriorate the troubled monetary marketplace. On the state safety front, specialists and policymakers have articulated concern over potential nexus linking organized crime and terrorism. Notwithstanding the variation in inspiration for organized crime majorly profit and terrorism being ideology, the connecting aspect of the two is money (Bequai, 1979). Terrorists may potentially get financial support for their operations from collaborating frankly with structured criminal groups or molding their lucrative unlawful acts. Even though organized syndicates and terrorist groups do not make long-term associations, the likelihood of short-term busines s coalitions may be of concern to policymakers. Away from the individual illegal acts committed by organized criminal groups such as smuggling, extortion, prostitution, gambling, and labor racketeering. The organized crime council indicates that criminal groups may penetrate strategic sectors of the economy, provide support to terrorists, smuggle people and other contrabands into the United States, using cyberspace to target American victims and infrastructure, and use violence as a basis for power. Due to the current developments, issues on management and dealing with organized criminal groups have emerged. It is evident that to deal with organized groups there is need for the new enforcement measures. Several policy makers have argued that the available laws are not effective at countering current threats posed by these groups. Because organized crime groups threaten America from both within borders and outside its borders. This has led to a wakeup call for the Congress as to whether they should enlarge law enforcements beyond borders to probe and put these criminals on trial, and to what level, should the Congress hearten multilateral crime fighting efforts. Another major issue that the Congress must put in mind is the availability of resources and how much is allocated to the federal government to deal with organized criminal groups (Alexander, 1985). Theories of organized crime There are numerous definitions of organized crime, in American context it is defined as a loose confederation of ethnic and regional crime groups, bound by economic and political necessity (Bequai, 1979). Mainly organized crime is comprised of three different categories of criminal activities namely, professional crime, white-collar crime which involves criminals using legal instruments and the operation of crime groups striving to achieve financial gain. According to Levi (1998), organized crime is ongoing unlawful business or other acts accompanied by intimidation and linked to politics. Assorted analogs are summoned to understand organized crime, including such different notions as the business conglomerate and feudalism. An organized crime group is seen sometimes as simply engaged in illegal business in a manner parallel to its legal counterpart. Other onlookers have noted the primeval nature of the ties binding an organized criminal groups members, which thus differentiates it f rom a modern, unfriendly business corporation. Different conditions for the origin of organized crime have also been identified, including political, geographic, legal, and sociological factors (Skaperdas, 2001). According to Liddick (1999 theories of organized crime may be grouped into three major theoretical prototypes: the alien-conspiracy/bureaucracy paradigm; the enterprise approach; and the patron-client relations perspective. The model or perspective dictates the approach. Thus, if one assumes that the chief characteristic of organized crime is its hierarchical organization, then one looks for coordination and conspiracy. This is the dominant approach of law enforcement in North America, which has been enormously unsuccessful in understanding and therefore in dealing with the phenomenon of organized crime (Geary, 2002). It presumes that immobilizing the leadership of organized crime groups will end criminal activity, but it never does. Knock off the key player, the organization falls apart, and the criminal activity ceases. On the other hand, the enterprise approach focuses on illegal markets. It views organized crime as servicing such markets, very much like legal business enterprises . These networks involve reciprocity they engage in activities beyond purely economic and they extend into the worlds of legitimate government and business (Liddick, 1999). According to (Woodwiss, 2001), the past history of modern organized crime from the Yazoo land fraud of the 1790(s) to the Savings and Loan scandals of the 1980(s), clearly shows that organized crime in America has involved reputable people. It is a social occurrence, an important part of American life, and, ironically, not at all a threat to the existing order. It has been noted that most of the criminal activities show that those groups were not hierarchical, when organized crime get into the political system regardless of the means it is very hard to combat as it becomes well institutionalized. Herbert Alexander (1985), for instance, has recognized that clearly too little is known of political-criminal relationships, the occurrences, the levels, the geographic areas, the impacts they have. Even a landmark study of the reduction of organized crimes influence on major industries in New York City drew a blank regarding politics, with the authors admitting that such connections had nev er been examined. Studies have shown that indeed there is an association between politicians, police, and organized crime groups. However, that the plan in the relationship came from the politicians. It was by no means a situation of organized crime intruding into politics, but of politicians reaching out to control and invite the criminals and their activities (Jenkins and Potter, 1987). Organized Criminal Groups in the America For many years organized crime in united States has been associated with the famous Italian Mafia, nevertheless there are many other organized criminal; groups in United States. In understanding and dealing with these groups, the Federal Bureau of Investigation examines organized criminal groups that are under three main classes: La Cosa Nostra (Italian organized), Eurasian/ Middle Eastern, and Asian and African criminal groups. Eurasian/ Russian This group does not only refer to the Russian crime syndicates but also various of Eurasian crime groups, these groups emerged in United States as early as the late 1970(s) and became very common when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Currently they are considered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be the most organized criminal group posing major threat to America. Russian group that operate in America show less traditional hierarchical structure as opposed to the Italian Cosa Nostra, they however, develop networks based on the skills required for certain crimes (Duyne, 1996). In America, this group is a responsible to criminal activity such as abduction, human trafficking, drug trafficking, theft, prostitution and extortion, and white-collar criminal acts such as money laundering. Federal Bureau of Investigation has shown that approximately 60% of the cases they handle about this group involve fraud. These frauds usually cut across various industries from strategic commodi ties and health to venture to indemnity, and credit card swindles. Other frauds they are involved in include tax evasion and even energy price rigging. Numerous Russian organized criminal groups operate in major cities such as Miami, New York, Boston, and many. The main efforts to control Russian organized criminal groups include the development of both global and internal task forces and other committees charged with the mandate of dismantling these crime groups. Local police departments have set up several task forces in all the main cities to deal with this group. The FBI on the other hand is charged with the responsibility to handle international issues relating to Russian organized criminals. It works together with such groups like Eurasian Organized Crime Working Group, Central Working Group, and Southern European Cooperative Initiative. All these groups are aimed at combating this organized criminal group (Mauro, 1995). These groups are working very hard to attain power and wealth that being the main reason as to why they have patterns of criminal activities in American major cities. The group in the West Coast communicates with those in the East Coast and they have strong ties with those in the former Soviet Union. They have also go ne an extra mile and formed associations with other criminal groups and their enterprises have proven to be very complex and profitable as they continue to operate using global networks. Eurasian criminals are experts at swindle and have been portrayed as always having one foot in the gangland and one foot in legal business world. This blend makes it hard to notice when a crime is taking place. Billions of dollars in illegal proceeds from fraud are being transferred to accounts abroad and within the United States. There are concerns that these finances will be used to fund criminal activities in the United States (Mauro, 1995). Russian organized criminal networks are involved in organized foreign smuggling through fake visa petitions and border crossing. Law enforcement departments have learned that this group networks with recognized shell corporations in America to assist in the illegal movement of money, and people as well. Asian This group has existed in the United States as early as 1900(s), nevertheless, there has been a major increase in Asian organized criminal activities. Various studies show that there is not even a single unified group but rather they are many crime groups whereby some are more traditionally organized than others are. They include Triads and Yakuza, which got Chinese and Japanese origin respectively. Groups such as the triads, tongs, and famous Asian street gangs that comprise of the Fuk Ching and Big Circle are less traditional. Just like the Russian Organized crime, groups this group tends to work together across tribal and ethnic ranks if it is lucrative for the business. Asian organized crime groups get a large amount of their earnings from smuggling in drugs and people, but are also aggressively involved in other illegal actions, that range from cash laundering, forgery, and deception to kidnapping and the theft of automobiles, computer software, and clothing (Turbiville, 1994). The Federal Bureau of Investigation indicates that major cities in America are examples of regions with a elevated occurrence of Asian organized crimes. American, law enforcement authority has relied heavily on Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, money laundering, and asset forfeiture statutes to arraign Asian crime groups. Comparable to efforts intended at fighting Russian organized crime groups, United States law enforcement takes part in domestic and international working groups meant to fight Asian organized crime. Internally, the Interagency Working Group on Alien Smuggling inspects policy and analytical matters revolving around the smuggling of foreigners and trafficking of women and minors, involving participation of Asian criminal groups in these actions. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is also concerned with international working groups dealing with organized criminal groups of Asian origin, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation State Police Department of Japan Working Group, International Police Project Bridge, and many other working groups from other countries such as Canada, Thailand and so on . Italian The La Cosa Nostra is the most famous Italian organized crime group working in the United States. The La Cosa Nostra is implicated in a collection of unlawful actions, from betting, loan sharking to smuggling, and money laundering, which terrorize American society. The majority members of the La Cosa Nostra operate in the New York urban area, but there are also illegal operations in major American cities. La Cosa Nostra has been working in the United States ever since 1920(s) and still poses a risk at present. Former congressional and rule and regulation enforcement labors to combat organized crime were intended directly at controlling the criminal activities of the Mafia (Louise, 1995). Civil Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuits have been mainly efficient in eradicating the La Cosa Nostra from lawful industries and amalgamations, for example, the Las Vegas gaming industry, the moving and storage businesses in New York, and the merger in place of truckers servi cing JF Kennedy airport in New York. In addition to federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act statutes, many states have adopted Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act statues. Many believe that Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act has been mainly the dominant tool in fighting La Cosa Nostra. Despite these successful tools, the La Cosa Nostra remains a major organized crime risk to American society. Balkan The Federal Bureau of Investigation recognizes Balkan organized criminal and the well-known Albanian groups in particular, for being among the main dreadful organized criminal groups at present, as proved, in part, by a swell in persons of Albanian origin arrested in the United States. Albanian organized crime syndicates have been in existence in the United States as early as in the late 1980(s) and have grown from being formally structured families to letting in foreigners with certain fields of criminal knowledge. These syndicates are dynamic in major cities like New York, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles, to name a few (Louise, 1995). Balkan crime groups have been involved in various illegal activities such as, real estate fraud, extortion, gambling, robbery, drug trafficking, human smuggling, money laundering, murder, witness intimidation, and counterfeit currency. One upcoming tendency seen in the midst of Balkan organized criminal groups is an improved collaboration with other organi zations increasing, but expanding. For instance, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has proved that the La Cosa Nostra has collaborated with Albanian criminal groups in New York. Where, the La Cosa Nostra normally relies on the Albanians for enforcement, and Albanians have gradually conquered some territory there that was formerly under control of the La Cosa Nostra. Several federal agencies normally collaborate and implement programs to combat organized crime in the country. Such agencies include, Homeland Security, Treasury, Defense, State, Commerce and department of justice. One initiative is the nuclear smuggling, the United States responds to nuclear smuggling by stopping any nuclear material getting into the country. The country in 2003 signed agreements and got into partnership with other countries to allow searching of planes and ships that are suspected of carrying such materials. The department of defense has effectively managed programs that help destroy any nuclear materials. The authorities have increased detection tools at the borders. Drug trafficking is under International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affair partner with other departments in implementing anti-drug campaigns and initiatives. Trafficking of persons is led by the State department in collaboration with other agencies. Money laundering and other economic crimes are ha ndled by the treasury department with the help of other state departments. Countering organized crime is not easy especially if the group has political ties. In most cases, these organized criminal groups mostly invest their money in legitimate businesses. Through such deals, these groups become institutionalized and well protected by the politicians as well as the police. Thus, measure of checking such criminal groups include enforcing the law strictly and good conduct for lawyers, wide public expectations of decency in politicians. More over the policing of organized crime has to be reoriented to its contribution and prevention. It has been proved that the American approach to these criminal groups is not the solution. There has to be major reforms in several departments, across the country from the justice to economy. Good governance that is fully strengthened is vital in eradicating the organized criminal groups in the country. Public education is also very important in helping eradicate these groups in the society. In most instances, the public knows a bout these groups but are not concerned about them because they feel that they do not affect them directly. There is need for awareness that though they may not be personally affected these groups pose great threat to their country at large and their also suffer the consequences of their acts indirectly. Economic consequences In most cases, economic consequences arise when organized crime is given room to flourish. These groups always cause unproductive employment of economic resources that otherwise could be employed elsewhere. In areas where mafias rule and are seen to provide security in a indirect manner, however the same level of security is compatible in with various levels of expenditure of much resources than that of a modern state that has efficient police and judicial system. Legal businesses are forced to pay high protection fees that normally affect their operations (Skaperdas, 2001). For the same businesses, regular constricting throughout the mainstream legal system can become tricky even if it concerns legal matters, since the mafia actively discourages recourse to the legal system as it represents a challenge to its authority and a reduction to the rationale for its existence. The long-term impacts of organized crime could be still more overwhelming than its instant, static impacts. The areas most able, industrial, and youth can choose to become gangbangers, as Skaperdas (2001) argues to be the case in American inner cities. Those are specifically the individuals who under different circumstances would provide very different types of community support and leadership. Once human beings develop human capital expertise in one area, it is very costly for them to change later in life. Former guerillas, demobilized soldiers after wars, and gang members have difficulties adapting to conventional lives and occupations later in life. Many find brigandage, robbery, or reversion to organized crime a familiar and more profitable lifestyle than its alternatives. Even after the destruction of organized crime in an area, it can take more than a generation before normalcy prevails. In summing up, the costs of organized crime comprise of the resources spent on fraud and predation, instead of production; a range of more conservative productive and investment alterations; the contractual challenges that develop outside the sphere of contemporary governance; and the incentives for the development of human skills that are inclined towards appropriation instead of production. The American society should deter any form of organized crime by making all illegitimate acts costlier. The society should increase the likelihood of crime detection and heighten the punishment of the victims. As noted earlier organized crime syndicates coordinate very well and as a result the crimes they commit are not easy to detect (Skaperdas, 2001). These groups further go to the extent of protecting their group members from potential punishment by colluding with top government officials, employing violence against judges and even threatening probable witnesses. In United States, the famous Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization act has effectively fought crimes that are committed by organized crime syndicates. This act lists various acts that are normally committed by organized criminal groups and provides penalties for criminal acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The act center of attention is on the patterns of criminal acts different from individual crimes. Thus, under RICO, the leader of a crime association can be arraigned in court even if he has never been personally engaged in any criminal activity. The penalties under RICO can be extremely harsh. Apart from a long prison sentence, an offender surrenders all interests and claims over the criminal activity, as well as over the property that makes up the racketeering activity or what was obtained from the racketeering activity (Woodiwiss, 2001). Further, RICO permits the victims of organized crime to recuperate from the convicted person in civil court. The RICO is intended, first to make revealing of criminal enterprises easier and eventually to cripple and eliminate organized crime enterprises. Conclusion In conclusion, it has been noted that organized groups are very common in United States and that all groups have different origins and mode of operation. The activities carried out by these groups cuts across different sectors of the economy. This makes the impacts of organized groups to be of great magnitude. These groups cause impacts that are negative and even pose a threat to the entire American society. Fighting these groups is thus not an option for the State, The federal government has established different federal authorities to combat these groups but have not fully succeeded. It has been noted that some of these groups have support from both the politicians and the police making these groups to be more institutionalized. These issues have made fighting the syndicates even more difficult. An enhanced understanding of international organized crimes dynamics might assist Congress as it organizes, funds, and oversees anti-crime policies and programs. In addition, a scrutiny of the nexus between crime and terror could improve the governments capacity to fight both. Stronger international law enforcement collaboration and more efficient government partnerships with the private sector
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Picassos Guernica Essay -- Essays Papers
Picassos Guernica While it may seem at first glance that Guernica, by Pablo Picasso, is a political statement against the tragedy of the bombing of a small Basque town during the Spanish Civil War, this painting holds connotations beyond the syllogism for which it is given credit. Picasso, unlike Romantic period artists, who are attributed to great political propaganda, is not suggesting an emotionally based judgment should be made about the contemporary event, but rather a focus on the contemplation of the forces of good and evil at work throughout timeless humanity. On the afternoon of April 26, 1937, German forces under the command of the Spanish fascist leader Francisco Franco embarked on the first aerial bombing of a civilian target, the small town of Guernica. The attack was due to the conflict in Spain, the Spanish Civil War: an issue of Democracy against Fascism. The war heightened the threat of Communism and Fascism in Western Europe to a new level. Franco’s attack on the small town, a center of culture in Basque, made it clear that his forces were strong and unrelenting. His allegiance with German forces spawned one of the most tumultuous times in modern history. The aerial bombing of Guernica became a symbol of his unmerciful, cruel political power. Guernica was almost completely destroyed. News of the mounting death toll spread rapidly. However, universally, the impact of the Guernica bombing could have been minimal. While Spain would surely never have forgotten Franco’s reign of terror and its zenith with the bombing of Guernica, Picasso contributed an everlasting reminder to the entire world of the threat of Fascism and the evil of unrelenting power. Having been invited to contribute a piece to the Spanish Pavilion for Paris’ World’s Fair in 1937, Picasso was inspired by the grief of Spain to present an image that would make the most powerful statement against Franco yet. His creation became not only the symbol of the Spanish crisis but of protest of Fascism for all time. Not only is the size of the mural overwhelming, but the shocking images that mix classic symbols with modern technique provide an emotion and passion that is unforgettable. While passion and empathy undeniably drove Picasso to choose his subject, Guernica, it is not the fruit of spontaneous emotion, but of a ... ... agenda is unworthy of praise because he was most focused on creating more a shocking piece for his exhibition, in which the tragedy was merely an outlet for his desire. However, Picasso’s careful treatment of the subject, the fury with which can be seen in him through the grotesque distortions of his figures, and the sympathy for which he begs of humanity in the helpless, horrified faces which look upon the world from his mural, make an everlasting impression on civilization of the brutality of war. Whether Picasso’s political agenda was his priority is certainly debatable, but Picasso once said, â€Å"I like what continues†. Guernica must be a source of great satisfaction to him. Works Cited Becraft, Melvin E. Picasso’s Guernica. New York: The New York Times Company, 1981. Blunt, Anthony. Picasso’s ‘Guernica’. London: Oxford University Press, 1969. Fisch, Ederhard. ‘Guernica’ by Picasso. London and Toronto: Associate University Press, 1988. Russell, Frank D. Picasso’s Guernica. Montclair, NJ: Allanheld, Osmun & Co., 1980. Zervos, Christian. â€Å" Historire d’un tableau de Picasso†, Cahiers d’ Arte. Vol.12 no. 4-5, Paris, 1937, pp. 109-111.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Student Service Enterprise Inventory System
STUDENT SERVICE ENTERPRISE INVENTORY SYSTEM A Concept Paper Presented to The Faculty of the College of Computer Studies Central Philippine University Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines In partial fulfilment Of the Requirements in CS318 – Research Methods in IT By JanelynGrasparil BSIT – 4 July, 2012 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Overview of the Current State of Technology With the power of technology nowadays, people get interested with computers. They tried to indulge themselves on it to have a productive result in a more efficient and time saving process.It is highly valued in institutions like business enterprises, schools, hospitals, government and non government services. However, some of them are still using manual system. In this regard, we acknowledge the value of computerized system. CPU Student Service Enterprise is a store inside the campus where students, faculty, and staffs can buy goods, books, school supplies, P. E & school uniforms, etc. Each department’s ar e also purchasing supplies for their offices. One of the problems of SSE is the manual Inventory System. The manual system is not accurate and time consuming. Quarterly, SSE is conducting their inventory.When the inventory date is near work students and staffs are listing all the goods or items that are available in yellow paper. The paper contains the quantity, unit, description, and unit price of an item. In the proper date of inventory, work students manually count the goods or items. After counting all the available items, work students will put the unit price of each item. Finding the prices is time consuming. It takes two to three weeks to finish pricing those items. Prices of the items are all in the journal book. But some of the old stocks items are hard to find their prices.After pricing all the items, the book keeper will encode that in Excel. After that, she will print it out and forward to the VPFE. Overview of the Desired State of Technology I would like to propose a co mputerized inventory system to be installed at the CPU Student Service Enterprise, a formal computerized approach to inventory storing. The system provides the user with fast, accurate data handling and retrieving. It makes adjustments for possible problems prior to their occurrence, as opposed to traditional control systems which looked at more historical demand and reacted to existing problems.Furthermore, it directly serves as the system for CPU Student Service Enterprise. This system will help keep personnel from wasting their time counting supplies and trying to manually determine which products to buy and sell. The system also includes tracking of remaining inventory, tracking when new orders should be made, tracking which items are most popular and something to help the business decide what items are most profitable and which products to remove. They could also compare the inventory available at each customer to their corresponding needs.Data on these transactions are very im portant in determining the availability of details on the products in needs of reviewing. Statement of the Problem These are the following problems encountered by CPU Student Service Enterprise: * The manual process consumes too much time for the work students and staff and rigid time to process a transaction. * Inaccurate daily updating, recording, and monitoring of inventory of productsthat goes in and out due to human errors in the manual system. * Time consuming retrieval due to manual search from numerous files. The availability of the product is difficult to identify due to lack of information regarding on files that are outdated. * Slow and inaccurate resulting to problems like lost of items and unable to track the prices of an item. Objectives of the Study General Objective: * This study aims to solve the problems encountered and to change the Manual Inventory System and develop a Computerized Inventory System for CPU Student Service Enterprise. Specific Objectives: * To hav e an accurate inventory of stocks by providing the system an interactive GUI that capable of performing and handling accurate filling. To speed up the process of searching the data from the files. * To have a back up of data by creating a copy of database. * To ease process of monitoring the inventory of products by providing the system a normalized database system for storing all updated details on the inventory. Theoretical Framework Fast, Accurate, Reliable CPU – SSE INVENTORY SYSTEM Inefficient, Slow Processing, Unorganized, Inaccurate Systems Theory Figure 1. 0 Theoretical Framework based on Systems theory Theoretical Framework The figure above shows the elements needed in the development of SSE Inventory System.It is a system that stores data of the products or an item. Significantly, the manual processes are replaced by a computerized one which utilizes data from the book storage of inventory, with the computerized inventory system, the user can easily review and monit or the current status of the products or an item, in which the overall processes are hastened using this system. System theory Systems theory is the interdisciplinary study of systems in general, with the goal of elucidating principles that can be applied to all types of systems at all nesting levels in all fields of research.System theory is the transdisciplinary study of the abstract organization of phenomena, Independent of their substance, type, or spatial or temporal scale of existence. It investigates both the principles common to all complex entities, and the (usually mathematical) models which can be used to describe them. (http://www. utwente. nl/cw/theorieenoverzicht/Theory%20clusters/Communication%20Processes/System_Theory. doc/) Inventory system Keeping an inventory (stock of goods) for future sale or use is common in business.In order to meet demand on time, companies must keep on hand a stock of goods that is awaiting sale. The purpose of inventory theor y is to determine rules that management can use to minimize the costs associated with maintaining inventory and meeting customer demand. Inventory is studied in order to help companies save large amounts of money. (http://www. whitman. edu/mathematics/SeniorProjectArchive/2006/zapponj2. pdf Conceptual Framework SECURITY INVENTORY MANAGEMENT DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Figure 2. 0 Conceptual Framework Conceptual frameworkThe figure above conveys the concept that composes a system. These concepts serve as the main basis of ideas on how the researchers derived and created the system design and functionalities. DBMS A database management system (DBMS) is computer software designed for the purpose of managing databases based on a variety of data models. It is a complex set of software programs that controls the organization, storage, management, and retrieval of data in a database. DBMS are categorized according to their data structures or types. Inventory ManagementInventory management i s primarily about specifying the size and placement of stocked goods. The scope of inventory management also concerns the fine lines between replenishment lead time, carrying costs of inventory, asset management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation, inventory visibility, future inventory price forecasting, physical inventory, available physical space for inventory, quality management, replenishment, returns and defective goods and demand forecasting. (http://www. inventorymanagement. com/2007/07/inventory-management-definition. html)This will track down the stocks of materials if it’s available or not, ready to be used and if need to be ordered. Through the database, the inventory log will be used as bases of the stocks if which product is the most demand by the customer. Through this management can decide whether in what product they should focus to meet customer’s needs and expectation. Security Method of protecting information, computer programs, and other co mputer system assets which is the security of computer assets and capital equipment refers to computer location, access control, software protection, and storage procedures.The objective of computer security includes protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the information and property to remain accessible and productive to its intended users. (www. answers. com/topic/computer-security) Data and information will be secured, especially with stock in and out of materials. This will avoid any unauthorized transaction. A username and password will be provided to track the person who will stock out and stock in a material. UsersEntity that has authority to use an application, equipment, facility, process, or system, or one who consumes or employs a good or service to obtain a benefit or to solve a problem, and who may or may not be the actual purchaser of the item. (http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/user. html) User w ill feel all the complexity of the system, easy to use with a user friendly interface that will let user easily understand the flow of the system Scope and limitations of the study The Computerized Inventory System is intended only for CPU Student Enterprise.This study mainly focused on providing business application using computerized system that enables business to track services and aims to provide accurate and reliable process on every transaction. This study looks into a better impact of using technology today on how it affects our daily lives especially for being a customer. With these studies it can help the beneficiaries to know the differences of using manual system to a computerized generation today. An inventory system is a system used to keep track of a business products and supplies.These programs are invaluable tools for most businesses because they are able to complete tasks quickly that would take much longer if done manually. Only the administrator has the privilege to use the computerized reservation system. It also excludes maintenance and other transactions according to the system. Significance of the Study The study will be of great use to the customers and workers of CPU Student Service Enterprise. The study, through its output, can assist the SSE in accomplishing tasks in a shorter period of time. Aside from this, the proposed system has a storage system for data retrieval of previous inventories.The proposed system utilizes the best way to organize the database type of system and to improve the services of the people involve. Moreover, the computerized system will guide the management in deciding matter involving assigning process. Manager will be informed on transaction through print out reports. Thus, the VPFE can manage well its finances and more likely to have savings with the proposed system. They can also expect that computer units built within the company have basis fact with the use of the propose system. Putting up good facilit ies can ease or minimize stress experience by the staff and work students. Chapter IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Inventory control system A process for keeping track of objects or materials. In common usage, the term may also refer to just the software components. Modern inventory control systems rely upon barcodes, and potentially RFID tags, to provide automatic identification of inventory objects. In an academic study performed at Wal-Mart, RFID reduced Out of Stocks by 30 percent for products selling between 0. 1 and 15 units a day. Inventory objects could include any kind of physical asset: merchandise, consumables, fixed assets, circulating tools, library books, or capital equipment.To record an inventory transaction, the system uses a barcode scanner or RFID reader to automatically identify the inventory object, and then collects additional information from the operators via fixed terminals (workstations), or mobile computers. Applications An inventory control sys tem may be used to automate a sales order fulfilment process. Such a system contains a list of order to be filled, and then prompts workers to pick the necessary items, and provides them with packaging and shipping information. Inventory system also manages in and outwards material of hardware.Real-time inventory control systems use wireless, mobile terminals to record inventory transactions at the moment they occur. A wireless LAN transmits the transaction information to a central database. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Inventory_control_system Golden Inventory System Golden Inventory System is an advanced inventory software designed for wholesale and manufacture businesses. This system has several advantages, including the Return Merchandise Authorization function, hierarchical groups for products, import and export functions for QuickBooks 2010, PDF and XML files, multi- urrencies and expiration dates features. This inventory software has the flexible security function. You can define access rights for each your employee. Golden Inventory system works with MS SQL Server and MS Access database files. Now, our system calculates item costs using FIFO and Average methods. You'll be able to create orders and invoices very fast and send them via email to your customers. This is very flexible software with a lot of options. This inventory software can handle more than 100'000 items. You can install free MS SQL Server Express Edition on your server andGolden Inventory software on your computers and you'll obtain a very powerful network inventory system for any size business. www. executivpro. com/ Just-in-time (JIT) is an inventory strategy that strives to improve a business's return on investment by reducing in-process inventory and associated carrying costs. Just In Time production method is also called the Toyota Production System. To meet JIT objectives, the process relies on signals or Kanban, between different points in the process, which tell production whe n to make the next part.Kanban are usually ‘tickets' but can be simple visual signals, such as the presence or absence of a part on a shelf. Implemented correctly, JIT can improve a manufacturing organization's return on investment, quality, and efficiency. Quick notice that stock depletion requires personnel to order new stock is critical to the inventory reduction at the center of JIT. This saves warehouse space and costs. However, the complete mechanism for making this work is often misunderstood. (en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Just-in-time_(business) Inventory ValuationDetermination of inventory cost is the major aspect of financial reporting. Whether the periodic or the perpetual system is used, it is necessary to use a specific method for the assignment of costs to the ending inventory as well as to the cost of goods sold. Assignment of costs can be complex because goods are usually purchased at different costs during the accounting period. Thus, there must be a consistent pro cedure in assigning costs which is called the cost-flow assumption (Eisen, 2007). There are three cost-flow assumptions that can be used: First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Method.This is based on the assumption that the first units brought are the first units sold. The oldest cost assigned to the inventory is the cost assigned to the goods first sold. Consequently, the most recent cost is assigned to the ending inventory. Although business organizations are free to choose among a number of inventory methods, many adopt FIFO simply because there is a tendency to dispose of goods in the order of their acquisition (Eisen, 2007). This method, though not as accurate as specifically identifying the item being sold, would give a close approximation of value.Last-In, Last-Out (LIFO) Method. This method assumes that the most recent cost of goods acquired should be charged at the most recent sales made. Thus, the assignment of the cost to the ending inventory represents the cost of all earlier purch ases, without regard to the order in which the goods are actually sold, since it is assumed that the goods are all the same and readily interchangeable(Eisen, 2007). Weighted Average Cost Method. This method yields a cost that is representative of the cost of the product over the entire accounting period. The weighted verage cost of a unit of inventory is determined and all units are assigned this cost. The average cost is weighted by the number of units purchased at each cost (Carroll, 2006 Eisen further notes that in accounting periods where costs remain relatively constant, the FIFO method is probably the most appropriate. If it is important that replacement costsrelate as closely as possible to the cost of the goods sold, the LIFO method is better. The weighted average method is a third option, even though it does not necessarily bring about the matching of costs and revenue. Its simplicity may have a ost-saving effect. Summary Every business big or small, is in need of inventor y system for keeping tracks of records and specifically storing essential data in which could be reviewed and monitored by the manager. There are many ways and approaches to the inventory strategy. Inventory system is the heart of the business. The main advantage of the system that I will be going to develop is it will provide a computer generated output of the inventory a whole lot faster and accurate. Chapter III METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY Figure 3. 0 Modified Iterative Waterfall Model ( www. nfolab. stanford. edu) In the development of the system, the researchers followed the phases of a Waterfall Method with the combination of an Iterative Model. The model is illustrated in figure 3. System Analysis The first phase that the researchers undertake is the system analysis which includes initial investigation and data gathering to prove the viability of the system. An interview (which is an interactive tool) with the management and employees of the organization was also conducted and a t the same time the group observed how their transactions work.It is also in this phase where the group observed and interacted with the users to further understand what information users need to perform their jobs. It is in this phase wherein other forms of interactive tools were used such as observation of the users involved and the organization’s environment. Requirement Definition In the requirement definition phase includes the definition of problems, objectives and estimation of scopes and limitations after the gathered data was summarized. During this phase wherein the researchers identified the information requirements for particular users involved.As an output the group had a deeper understanding of how the business function and have the complete information of the people, goals, data, and procedures involved. Interactive tools are used to accomplish tasks in this phase, observation and interviewing the people involved. System Design System analysis leads to design d ecision, which exactly determines how the system operates in terms of process, data, hardware, network infrastructures, user Interface and other important factors in the system environment. System DevelopmentIn this stage where the coding phases will start. Application software will be used in the development of the system. It is in this phase includes the programming of the system such as coding and program testing and to add more to that this phase also comprises the development or implementation of the system design. Microsoft Visual Basic 6. 0 is used as the development tool for the front end and MySQL Server 5. 0 as the back end. Photoshop and Corel Draw serve as an enhancement tool for the GUI and with the Corel Draw it.In this phase a constant interaction with the users is done to gather comments/feedbacks, validation and suggestions of the system design and layouts. Testing and Maintenance The testing and maintenance stage includes the preliminary implementation of the syste m together with the users and programmers using sample data or accurate data of the current system. A series of test is undergone to pinpoint neglected or unseen problems of the system before it will be handed down to the organization for operational implementation. The system documentation begins in this phase.The system manual or documentation includes all the necessary information that will guide the users about the systems functionality. System Implementation This is probably the most resource, cost and time-consuming phase of all. This is when the system is actually built, tested, and finally installed. It also includes activities such as user training and system maintenance. Some experts like to separate them into different phases Deploymentand Maintenance. However the four phases are the most commonly known and accepted steps. Gantt ChartPHASE| Activities| Mar| Apr| May| Jun| July| ExpectedOutput| Planning| Understanding why the system should be built| | | | | | Give the best solution and easy access to the system| Requirements| Adjustment and changes from the users to the system being developed| | | | | | Well Developed System| Design| Architecture design of the System| | | | | | Should be user friendly| Implementation| The system is actually built| | | | | | Ensured and well runned system| Test| The System Is Being Tested| | | | | | Completely functioning | Maintenance| Undergo Some Changes| | | | | | System Run Successfully| References Internet Sources (http://www. twente. nl/cw/theorieenoverzicht/Theory%20clusters/Communication%20Processes/System_Theory. doc/ (http://www. whitman. edu/mathematics/SeniorProjectArchive/2006/zapponj2. pdf (http://www. inventorymanagement. com/2007/07/inventory-management-definition. html (http://www. answers. com/topic/computer-security) (http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/user. html) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Inventory_control_system http://www. executivpro. com/ (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Just-i n-time_(business) ( www. infolab. stanford. edu What Is an Inventory System? | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/facts_5518826_inventory-system. tml#ixzz21dQmNn9Z What Is an Inventory System? | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/facts_5518826_inventory-system. html#ixzz21dR2Cuo 8 http://www. studymode. com/essays/Inventory-System-634220. html? topic http://sample-thesis. blogspot. com/2009/09/enhancement-of-pharmact-inventory. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Systems_theory Context Diagram of the Current System Staff/Work Student Book Keeper Manual Inventory System Record Record Counts items Item info Printed Inventory record VPFEData Flow Diagram Level 0 of the Current System Staff/Work Student Record Counts Item 2. 0 Counting and Classifying Of Items 1. 0 Record Item Info Record Item Info 3. 0 Determines Price List VPFE D1 Item_Journal Printed Record Recorded Item Info 5. 0 Print Inventory Record 4. 0 Encode Items in Excel Book Keeper Record Item List Recorded In Excel Item I nfo Context Diagram of the Proposed System D1Item_DBMS Item Info SSE Computerized Inventory System Book Keeper Staff/Work StudentUsername Inventory Password Records Printed Inventory Records VPFE Data Flow Diagram Level 0 of the Proposed System 1. 0 Encode Item Info 2. 0 Calculate all Item Prices Staff/Work Student Username Item List Password Item Info Calculated Price List Price List D1 Item_DBMS Book Keeper Inventory 4. 0 Print Inventory Records 3. 0 Check Inventory Records VPFE Printed Check Inventory Inventory RecordsRecords
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